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入手一台600 G2 DM,只有1个2.5inch的硬盘位置,硬盘下方还有1个M.2 SSD接口,查了下资料,这个接口是PCIe的,网上支持PCIe的M.2 SSD好像价格普遍比M.2 SATA的高,为了避免买错SSD,特来向各位大虾求教。 1、600 G2 DM的M.2 PCIe接口支持的是PCIe*4 还是*1,手册上没有说明;如果是*1,那性...
HP ProDesk 600 G2 A business-oriented desktop that delivers hefty performance for businesses with commercial-class productivity, reliability, security, and manageability needs. It passes rigorous testing, capable of long-lasting, durable performance in various conditions. Plus, the ProDesk 600 G2 ...
My desktop is HP ProDesk 600 G2 Small Form FactorProduct No = L1Q39AV Motherboard, Manufacturer HP, Model 805D (U3E1), Version KBC Version 05.36 Besides a SATA 3 SSD, does it also get a faster PCI Express 3.0 or 4.0 NVMe with lanes x1, x2, x4, x8, and x...
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初始系统安装为Big sur 11.0.1,优化好后,可以在线直升11.2.3 配置如下:HP Desktop 400G2 DM(...
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