Intel® Core™ i7 13700 7 8 32 GB DDR5 512 GB SSD Learn HP Elite Tower 800 G9 Desktop PC (B5VQ7PT) HP EliteDesk Series desktops provide businesses with powerful, expandable, highly secure, and reliable PCs designed for power users. Windows 11 Pro 4 Intel® Core™ i7 14700...
HP Pro Tower 400 G9 PCI Desktop-PC (6U4T6EA) Alle technischen Daten Betriebssystem FreeDOS Prozessorproduktfamilie Intel® Core™ i7-Prozessor der 13. Generation Prozessor Intel® Core™ i7-13700 (bis zu 5,2 GHz mit Intel® Turbo Boost-Technologie, 30 MB L3-Cache, 16 Cores,...
Datasheet HP Pro Tower 400 G9 PCI Desktop PC All the essentials for your growing business needs The HP Pro Tower 400 provides users with commercial-grade performance, security, and scalability for growing businesses. This PC is powered by the latest Intel® processor2 and protected with ...
HP Pro Tower 480 G9可选NVIDIA T400 专业显卡,拥有4GB高速显存,且兼容当下流行的多种设计软件,如PS、AI、PR、AE等软件均可在该电脑中流畅运行,轻松抓住灵感,尽情挥洒创意。 丰富前置接口,办公更简单 台式电脑的前置接口对于日常办公来说同样非常重要,HP Pro Tower 480 G9商用台式机配备了3个前置USB-A接口、1...
Learn about the features and specifications of the HP Pro Tower 400 and 480 G9 PCI Desktop PC.Product details Learn about the HP Pro Tower 400 and 480 G9 PCI Desktop PC hardware and software. Computer features and components vary depending on the custom configuration. Operating systems ...
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Pre-installed in some regions with a custom Ubuntu image that takes advantage of the system's hardware features and may include additional software. Standard images of Ubuntu may not work well, or at all. Kernel6.1.0-1017-oem BIOSHP: U03 Ver. 02.11.00 (UEFI) ...
商品名称:惠普(HP)288Pro G9 Tower商用台式主机企业政采办公电脑 单主机(不含显示器) i3-13100/8G/512G固态/集显 商品编号:10049918762770 店铺:惠普宏业专卖店 屏幕尺寸:无显示器 系列:惠普-小欧系列 类型:单主机 系统:Windows 11家庭中文版 机箱大小:10-20L ...
HP/惠普Z2 Tower G9 塔式工作站3D建模渲染制图设计师电脑主机 HP/惠普品牌 48小时发货 ¥5799.0 广州安答信息科技有限公司1年 惠普(HP)商用台式机ProDesk 480 G6 MT企业商用办公台式机单主机 HP/惠普品牌 7天包换 ¥2199.0 广州奈斯电子科技有限公司4年 ...
爱企查为您提供陕西博晟恒辉电子科技有限公司惠普(HP) Pro Tower 288 G9 /i7-13700/32G/512GSSD/T400 4G/2 3.8 台式机等产品,您可以查看公司工商信息、主营业务、详细的商品参数、图片、价格等信息,并联系商家咨询底价。欲了解更多台式计算机、图形工作站、联想工作站、惠