Review steps for printing various self-test pages from the printer control panel, such as a Wireless Test Page or Network Configuration Page.
Print a Usage PagePrint a Service PagePrint a Wireless Network Test Report (wireless printer models)Otras opciones de soporte técnico Pruebe las herramientas y los diagnósticos automatizados Haga una pregunta en nuestra página de la comunidad de soporte de HP Póngase en contacto con uno de...
Print a tespage to a printer. Prints a summary of device information and shows the printer's margins. Usage: hp-testpage [DEVICE_URI|PRINTER_NAME] [MODE] [OPTIONS] [PRINTER|DEVICE-URI]
When I tried to print the test Page it said "Error - Printer". Product: G3Q58A Tags: Hp laserjet pro MFP m130nw View All (1) Category: Can't print LaserJet printer I have the same question 1 REPLY Gaya1239 14,935 540 655 HP Suppor...
When I tried to print the test Page it said "Error - Printer". Product: G3Q58A Tags: Hp laserjet pro MFP m130nw View All (1) Category: Can't print LaserJet printer I have the same question 1 REPLY Gaya1239 14,845 535 651 HP Suppo...
1.在打印机上 information 菜单下找到print supplies status page,再按一下对勾键可以打印耗材状态页。耗材状态页提供有关打印机中安装的打印碳粉盒的信息、打印碳粉盒中的剩余碳粉量以及已打印完毕的页数和已处理的打印作业数。 2.配置页中的printer information 下的page count 后的数据为打印机自购买以来打印的总...
1.配置页中的printer information下的page count后的数据为打印机自购买以来打印的总页数。 2.无耗材状态页和使用页。 HP LaserJet 4100 1.按住打印机的MENU按钮,直至INFORMATION MENU出现。 2.按住ITEM,直至PRINT CONFIGURATION出现。 3.按下SELECT以打印配置页。 显示屏上将显示PRINTING CONFIGURATION,且将开始打印...
配置页中的 printer information 印机自购买以来打印的总页数;下的 page count 后的数据为打3. 在打印机上 information 菜单下按对勾键进入后找到print usage page, 按一下对勾键打印使用页;使用页供应有关各种纸张的打印份数, 13、碳粉掩盖率信息;6 / 16 HP LaserJet 2420/2430 1.按住打印机的键进入菜单,...
7155 7268 7458打印机 按住电源按钮的同时,按四下“继续”按钮。同时松开所有按钮,打印机开始打印。hp photosmart 7660 打印机 1. 在打印机面板上按菜单的左右箭头按钮,选到“print a test page”。2. 按“ok”按钮,打印机开始打印。hp photosmart 7838 打印机 按住“ok”按钮的同时,按一下左箭头按钮。
Test the connection by printing a test page Essential Prerequisites for WiFi Printer Setup Before you begin the connection process, it’s crucial to gather all necessary information and equipment. This preparation step will save you time and prevent frustration during setup. Make sure you have every...