Press and release the flashing "information" button on your printer. After releasing, please wait. I press and release the information button, but nothing happens it eventually times out and starts the process again. Has anyone got any advice for this situ...
When I try to re-add the printer to the HP Smart App I get to the stage where the message Press and release the flashing "information" button on your printer. After releasing, please wait. I press and release the information button, but noth...
使用打印一切的打印机,无论工作、学习还是发挥创意,一切情况均可应对自如。 Envy系列打印机 使用打印一切的打印机,无论工作、学习还是发挥创意,一切情况均可应对自如。 了解更多 高颜超薄 游刃有余 惠普战X Ultra Next Gen AI 高性能商务轻薄本,集最新AI本地算力与优雅高颜于一身,将AI自然融入工作节拍 ...
Information button and light: Prints an information page that contains the summary of printer settings and status. 8 Resume button and light: Resumes a job after a disruption (for example, after loading paper or clearing a jam), or indicates the printer is in a warning or error state. ...
Wi-Fi button/light: Turn on or off Wi-Fi. The light indicates Wi-Fi status. Information button: Print summary of printer settings and status. Resume button: Resume a job after a disruption. Cancel button: Cancel the current job. Control panel display Wi-Fi Direct ...
The printer restores all options to the default settings. NOTE: This button displays only if the administrator has conigured the printer to require permission for access to features. 3 Information button Select the Information button to access a screen that provides access to several types of ...
I recently bought a Laser Jetpro4003dw, and the board panel of it remain white... After tried to push some of the button this board goes black and the printer turn off itself.. 1answer HP Online Store ·2 years ago Hi, Please connect with our technical support team at 1800-88-4889...
Test performed by sending 3 copies of a 6-page file combining sizes A0, A1 and plain, coated paper types. Measuring time from clicking “send” button until last page out of the printer. Printed in fast/CAD equivalent print quality mode. Learn more at
Sign into your account at, select the “Change Settings” button for your printer on the “My Printers” page, enable the “Allowed” option in ePrint Access, and remove the checkmark from “Get not...
具备无线网络支持或网络接口卡 (NIC) 的台式计算机或膝上型电脑.计算机 必须连接到要安装 HP Printer 的无线网络. 使用一键无线设置和已启用 WPS 的路由器进行无线连接 1. 执行以下操作之一: 使用 Push Button (PBC) 方法 a. 设置无线连接. 按下并按住 无线 按钮两秒钟. 在已启用 WPS 的路由器或其他网络...