To access additional printer features such as scanning and printer management tools, install the HP Smart app. For more information, go to HP printer setup (HP Smart app). Set up the printer network connection Make sure the printer and your Apple device are connected to the same wireless netw...
The HP Smart app is the main software for your printer. Install it on the device you want to print from, and then use it to set up the printer connection. By installing the HP Smart app, you also install all drivers necessary to print and scan.
您还可通过单击“更多选项”来管理您的偏好并同意 HP 使用从 Cookie 处理和传输您的个人信息。上述机制基于浏览器,针对于特定设备;因此,您必须在每个设备和每个浏览器上配置您的隐私设置才能行使您的权利。 全部拒绝接受所有 Cookie Cookie 设置
欢迎来到 HP® 官方网站进行打印机设置。首先需要下载软件,才能开始使用您的新打印机。您可以将打印机连接到网络,实现跨设备打印。
Welcome to the HP® Official website to setup your printer. Get started with your new printer by downloading the software. You will be able to connect the printer to a network and print across devices.
5 桌面右击计算机图标选择管理 6 打开设备管理器,查看其它设备中的打印机端口如IPP Printer或其他HP端口。7 选中任意一个其他设备中的HP打印机端口,右击选择更新驱动程序软件 8 点击浏览计算机以查找驱动程序软件 9 点击浏览选中驱动光盘或解压后的驱动文件夹,再点下一步 10 更新成功的端口会从其他设备转移到...
HP DeskJet 2136 多功能一体机 HP DeskJet Ink Advantage 2138 多功能一体打印机 HP DeskJet 2320 多功能一体打印机 HP DeskJet Ink Advantage 2374 多功能一体打印机 HP DeskJet Ink Advantage 2335 多功能一体打印机 HP DeskJet Ink Advantage 2376 多功能一体打印机 ...
Learn how to download and install the latest HP printer software. Our guide covers drivers, management tools, and tips for keeping your printer software up-to-date.
针对HP LaserJet Pro M12 打印机:打开文件资源管理器,导航至C:\驱动器,然后找到LJPM11-M13_Full_Solution文件夹。 针对HP LaserJet Pro M1132、M1212-1214 和 M1216-1218 打印机;搜索并打开%temp%文件夹。找到在名称开头带有7z的文件夹(例如,7zS1234)。 双击hpsetup.exe,然后按照提示安...