* value is shown as follows: 1 scan startup error 2 scan rotation error Method: 1 restart; 2 re-install the laser and connected cable; 3 replace laser 53. XY. ZZPRINTER ERROR is an additional memory ERROR, where the meaning of XYZ is as follows: X = DIMM type 0 = ROM 1 = RAM...
惠普打印机通用报错代码(HP printer error code) HP printer error code Publisher: admin release date: 2011-1-24. HP black and white laser printer common error code Launch time: 2010-7-27 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -...
7: black and white laser printer common error code 13.1 PAPER JAM or 13.2 PAPER JAM is a printing PAPER that is delayed or stopped at the feeding part.1) determine that the carton is properly installed;2) ensure that the paper portion is not blocked;3) check if PS402 and PS403 are...
Product: HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 4515 e-All-in-One Printer When I switch on my printer, I get a blue screen with error code C4EBA23D. How to resolve it? Tags: HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 4515 e-All-in-One Printer View All (1) Category: Inkjet printer Reply I have the same qu...
7:blackandwhitelaserprintercommonerrorcode 13.1PAPERJAMor13.2PAPERJAMisaprintingPAPERthatis delayedorstoppedatthefeedingpart. 1)determinethatthecartonisproperlyinstalled; 2)ensurethatthepaperportionisnotblocked; 3)checkifPS402andPS403areworkingproperlyandreplace ...
01:12 error code Explanation Electronics Module Error. note: This error code may also be reported as a warning code, which will not prevent continued use of the printer. Recommended action Please call HP for technical support to troubleshoot the problem. ...
1. HP error: "Printer in Error State" Quick fix This HP printer error is a common error when sending a document for printing. The error message indicates that the printer is either turned off, not properly connected to your computer or missing an internet connection. Another possible reason ...
Product: HP LaserJet Pro MFP M28w Printer ive been trying to print and its throwing code er 03 ive checked no paper jam and just put new ink cartridge in and is still not working saying the same thingTags: HP LaserJet Pro MFP M28w Printer View All (1)Reply...
The use of a non-HP or refilled cartridge does not affect either the HP Limited Warranty to the end-user customer or any HP support contract with the end-user customer for the printer. However, if printer or print head failure or damage is attributable to the use of a non-HP or refill...
The use of a non-HP or refilled cartridge does not affect either the HP Limited Warranty to the end-user customer or any HP support contract with the end-user customer for the printer. However, if printer or print head failure or damage is attributable to the use of a non-HP or refill...