403 forbidden on driver download page. no software in the box. will be returning this $400 printer if i can't get the software by the end of the day. what kind of ***bleep*** is this? Category: LaserJet printer I have the same question 1 REPLY Dragon-Fur 45,965 15,170 4...
* PRINTER ERROR is laser scanning ERROR, * value is shown as follows: 1 laser detection error 2 laser error Method: 1 restart; 2 re-install the laser and connected cable; 3 replace laser 52. * PRINTER ERROR is the laser scanning speed mismatch. * value is shown as follows: 1 scan ...
7: black and white laser printer common error code 13.1 PAPER JAM or 13.2 PAPER JAM is a printing PAPER that is delayed or stopped at the feeding part.1) determine that the carton is properly installed;2) ensure that the paper portion is not blocked;3) check if PS402 and PS403 are...
black and white laser printer common error code 13.1 PAPER JAM or 13.2 PAPER JAM is a printing PAPER that is delayed or stopped at the feeding part. 1) determine that the carton is properly installed; 2) ensure that the paper portion is not blocked; 3) check if PS402 and PS403 are ...
blackandwhitelaserprintercommonerrorcode 13.1PAPERJAMor13.2PAPERJAMisaprintingPAPERthatis delayedorstoppedatthefeedingpart. 1)determinethatthecartonisproperlyinstalled; 2)ensurethatthepaperportionisnotblocked; 3)checkifPS402andPS403areworkingproperlyandreplace relevantsensorswhennecessary. 13.5PAPERJAMor13.6PAPER...
PRINTER ERROR 内部通讯错误 1.检查电源位置 2.更换接口板 3.更换DC控制板 56 * PRINTER ERROR 临时打印错误,*值表示: 1.不正确的输入或错误的附加设备被连接 2.不正确的输出 1.重新启动打印机; 2.检查打印机的配置; 3.校正连接的附加设备 57 PRINTER ERROR 风扇错误 1.检查打印机的风扇是否被正确的接入...
GO]按钮继续打印或设置PAGE PROTECT值为AUTO来解决。22 EIOХBUFFER OVERFLOW表示送到指定EIO外设的数据太多,可以通过按[GO]按钮清除此信息来解决。51.* PRINTER ERROR和52.* PRINTER ERROR表示激光扫描错误或激光器扫描速度不匹配,可以通过重新启动、重新安装激光器及相连的电缆线或更换激光器来解决。
51.* PRINTER ERROR激光扫描错误,*值表示如下: 1激光器检测错误2激光器错误1重新启动;2重新安装激光器及相连的电缆线;3更换激光器52.* PRINTER ERROR激光器扫描速度不匹配,*值表示如下: 1扫描启动错误2扫描旋转错误1重新启动;2重新安装激光器及相连的电缆线;3更换激光器 ERROR附加内存错误,其中xyz的含义如下:X=...
55 PRINTER ERROR 内部通讯错误 1.检查电源位置 2.更换接口板 3.更换DC控制板 56 * PRINTER ERROR 临时打印错误,*值表示: 1.不正确的输入或错误的附加设备被连接 2.不正确的输出 1)重新启动打印机; 2)检查打印机的配置; 3)校正连接的附加设备
62.* PRINTER ERROR 打印机内存错误,*值表示如下: 0=内部内存 1-3=DIMM插槽1-3 1.重新安装插入的内存; 2.交换安装位置; 3.更换插入的内存 64 PRINTER ERROR 接受数据缓冲错误 1.重新启动打印机; 2.更换接口板 66 xx.yy PRINTER ERROR 外部送纸错误,XY描述如下1stX=使用的设备编号2ndX=设备类型: a) ...