Informatie over de installatie van HP DeskJet 2130 All-in-One printer. Deze stappen omvatten het uitpakken, plaatsen van inktcartridges en installeren van software. Bekijk ook video's om problemen bij de installatie op te lossen.
Download the latest drivers, firmware, and software for your HP DeskJet 2130 多功能事務印表機系列. 這是 HP 官方網站,可免費為 Windows 和 Mac 下載正確的驅動程式。
If prompted to create or sign in to a Microsoft account, close the window. You will be able to open the app store anyway. A Microsoft account is not required in order to install or use HP Smart. HP Smart is free software for printer set-up and use. Check computer time and location ...
HP DeskJet 1110、1111、1112、DeskJet Ink Advantage 1115、1118、DeskJet 2130、2131、2132、2134、2136 以及 DeskJet Ink Advantage 2134、2135、2136 和 2138 多功能一体打印机不支持移动打印解决方案或 Web 服务。 HP DeskJet 1110、1111、1112、2130、2132、2134、DeskJet Ink Advantage 1115、1118、2134、2135、...
HP DeskJet 2130 和 2300 打印机 - 指示灯闪烁本文档适用于 HP DeskJet 2130/2131/2132/2134/2136/2320、DeskJet Ink Advantage 2134/2135/2136/2138/2335/2336/2337/2374/2375/2376 多功能一体打印机。 下文介绍了控制面板上出现的最常见的闪烁指示灯组合所指示的错误,并针对每种组合提供了相应的解决...
now do one thing firs uninstall everything related hp printer and then restart the computer after that download updated driver from below the link then install I hope it will...
now do one thing firs uninstall everything related hp printer and then restart the computer after that download updated driver from below the link then install I ho...
HP Smart installieren HP DeskJet 2130 All-in-One Printer Auch verfügbar unter: Tipps zur Fehlersuche beim Starten des Microsoft Store Überprüfen und aktualisieren Sie Ihre Windows-Version Aktualisieren Sie Ihr Betriebssystem auf die neueste Windows-Software, sofern verfügbar. HP Smart ist ...
HP DeskJet 2130 All-in-One Printer ENERGY STAR | Home and home office GO TO NEWER MODELSHOP INK OR TONER DiscontinuedThis printer has been discontinued. Please shop for associated supplies. FunctionsPrint, copy, scan Print, copy, scan
OS X Go to, and then follow the instructions on the web. The HP software for Mac is not included on the software CD that came with the printer. Learn more Electronic Help: Install the electronic Help by selecting it from the recommended software during software ...