All-in-One Front of the system Back of the system Left side of the system Right side of the systemPower Supply External 120 WI/O Ports Back I/O ports Bottom I/O portsKeyboard, Mouse and Input Devices Wireless keyboard Wireless mouse Intel RealSense 3D Camera with integrated microphoneSoftwar...
Titles That Shipped with PC 注意: This support document provides specifications and component images that reflect the original design intention for all PCs of this model. Under certain circumstances, a factory or service provider may install a component that meets or exceeds the listed specification...
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HP Pavilion 23 AiO一体电脑有很多独有的功能,如惠普TrueVision高清感光摄像头,惠普魔力画布和Linkup互联技术。 魔力力画布是一种奇妙的应用平台,源自惠普触控式一体电脑产品,精美流畅的界面UI设计,具有功能丰富有趣的多种插件,受到消费者的广泛喜爱。HP Pavilion 23提供了鼠标操作版的魔力...
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✅ HP Pavilion TouchSmart touchscreen not working:I have an HP Pavilion TouchSmart all-in-one. The touchscreen stopped working. I have followed all the troubleshooting instructions, turn PC off and...
ONEDA 适用惠普HP Pavilion 20 All-in-One PC一体机台式电脑电源适配器 19V 7.89A 7.9A 充电器电源线 23-q158CN图片、价格、品牌样样齐全!【京东正品行货,全国配送,心动不如行动,立即购买享受更多优惠哦!】
欧威能 适用惠普HP Pavilion 20 All-in-One PC一体机台式电脑电源适配器充电器电源线 Pavilion 20 All-in-One PC图片、价格、品牌样样齐全!【京东正品行货,全国配送,心动不如行动,立即购买享受更多优惠哦!】
其中HP All-in-One一體成型系列,有著簡約外觀外,同時HP TouchSmart All in One觸控新品配備多點觸控面板支援Window7新功能,讓消費者享有多點觸控、直覺式多媒體影音管理中心、以及檔案快速搜索、直覺工具全面進化等全新觸控體驗。此外HP Pavilion Slimline薄型系列、HP Pavilion P系列與Compaq全系列桌上型電腦也同步全面...