P4000 多站点 HA/DR 解决方案包用户指南 37 数据中心 灾难恢复站点 磁盘状态 DSM DSM for MPIO 故障回复 故障转移 故障转移管理器 故障转移恢复 帧大小 完全自动配置 虚影存储节点 图形图例 硬件报告 主机名 HP LeftHand Centralized Management Console ID LED iSCSI 也称为"站点".数据中心是环境中的物理位置,...
P4000 Remote Copy user guide 17 1. In the navigation window, log in to the management group that contains the primary volume or snapshot for which you are creating the remote snapshot. You can create remote volumes and snapshots within the same management group. In that case, log in to ...
Ahora para poder administrarla debemos instalar las “herramientas de administración” que se llama “Centralized Management Console” y que también la tenéis en la descarga.Lo primero que tenemos que hacer en la consola es encontrar la VSA...
注意: 请参见本章其余部分中的特定于多站点 SAN 配置的说明.您还可以参考《HP LeftHand P4000 Multi-Site HA/DR Solution Pack 用户手册》,它与 HP LeftHand Centralized Management Console 程序文件一起安装在 Documentation 子目录中. 安装 DSM for MPIO 按照适用于 Windows 服务器适当版本的说明操作. Windows...
Additionally, with the disk drives doubling in size, the new HP StoreVirtual 4330 quadruples the density over the HP LeftHand P4300 G2 array. As a result, clients increase storage capacity by 100 percent while reducing data center footprint by 50 percent or more.(1) New HP LeftHand ...
HP Data Protector 6.20 适用于Microsoft SharePoint Server 的Granular Recovery Extension用户 指南 部件号: 第一版:2011年3月 法律和声明信息 © Copyright 2011 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. 受法律保护计算机软件.占有,使用或复制本文档需要 HP 提供有效许可证.根据 FAR 12.211 和 12.212 的规定...
The HP LeftHand solution employs a distributed, clustered approach to storage and, as such, the SAN/iQ software uses a mechanism called quorum to manage consistency between individual storage nodes. Quorum is controlled by some or all of the nodes in a SAN/iQ storage Management Group. Nodes ...
HP StorageWorks P4000 SAN Solution 用户指南 本指南提供有关配置和使用 HP StorageWorks SAN Solution 的信息, 还包括硬件配置以及有关设计和实现 P4000 SAN 的信息.本指南面向那些负责实现,维护和管理 P4000 SAN Solution 的系统管理员. 部件号:AX696-96021 第四版:2010 年 3 月 法律和声明信息 © ...
• HP P4000 VSA Installation and Configuration Guide Find detailed instructions for planning and installing the VSA and getting started with the Centralized Management Console. • HP P4000 Remote Copy User Guide Find information about configuring and using asynchronous replication of storage volumes ...