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● Simplicity all around—make it easy for all to print with one common driver.4 Invest once, expand easily ● Keep a close watch, even from afar—centrally monitor and control printers with HP Web Jetadmin.5 ● Apply fleet-wide policies to protect all your HP devices with the HP Imaging...
The driver is provided by the Windows operating system. From your description of what you have tried, the camera may have failed. You can try running a Linux OS from a USB flash drive to see if the camera is working. Have you used the HP ...
1、在桌面单击右键,在弹出的菜单上选择NVIDIA控制面板;2. 然后弹出NVIDIA的设置菜单,选择管理3D设置,就会看到全局使用集显或者独显的选项,选择独立显卡之后,系统执行任务的时候就会使用选择的显卡。3、还可以选择添加自己需要设定的程序,比如需要设置KMP为高性能显卡,就选择这个程序。4、选择该程序需要...