Datasheet HP t530 Thin Client series Upgrade your cloud computing environment with the first HP thin client made for the office of the future. Elegantly designed with essential performance and reliability, the HP t530 Thin Client meets the needs of today and the growing demands of tomorrow. ...
The HP t530 has raised the stakes for thin client design. Get all the features you need in an exceptionally modern, compact device. And with quiet, solid-state operation and multiple deployment options, it fits perfectly into any workspace. ...
skip to content skip to footer hp t530 thin client (y8d48pa) - 产品文档 检索更多文档 检索更多文档 选择国家/地区和语言 关闭国家/地区选择器对话框 美洲地区 américa central argentina bolivia brasil canada canada - français caribbean chile colombia ecuador méxico paraguay perú puerto rico united ...
Not a question but rather a solution for anyone who needs it. The HP t530 supports the Intel 8265 internal WiFi card. I picked one up from eBay for - 9182766
Thin Client, HP t420 Thin Client, HP t420 Thin Client (ENERGY STAR), HP t430 Thin Client, HP t520 Flexible Thin Client, HP t530 Thin Client, HP t620 Flexible Thin Client, HP t620 Flexible Thin Client (ENERGY STAR), HP t620 PLUS Flexible Thin Client, HP t620 PLUS Flexible Thin Client ...
Client léger HP t530 Client léger et flexible HP série t620 Client fin et flexible HP t620 PLUS Client léger HP série t730 Systèmes d’exploitation : Microsoft Windows Embedded Standard 7 (WES 7E) Microsoft Windows 10 IoT (64 bits) ...
Datasheet HP ThinPro OS A modern, secure, and intuitive Linux® computing experience HP ThinPro OS helps both Thin Client IT and end users with a secure and seamless cloud computing experience by delivering intuitive features, multiple layers of security, flexible software solutions, and hardware ...
支援首頁 產品 軟體和驅動程式 客戶社群 聯絡支援人員 業務支援 我的HP 帳戶 1 國家/地區:香港特別行政區
HP t530 Thin Client HP t620 Flexible Thin Client Series HP t620 PLUS Flexible Thin Client Series HP t730 Thin Client series Operating Systems: Microsoft Windows Embedded Standard 7 (WES 7E) Microsoft Windows 10 IoT (64-bit) RESOLUTION To resolve this issue, perform the following step...
Hardware platforms affected :HP t420 Thin Client, HP t420 Thin Client, HP t420 Thin Client (ENERGY STAR), HP t520 Flexible Thin Client, HP t520 Flexible Thin Client, HP t520 Flexible Thin Client (ENERGY STAR), HP t620 Flexible Thin Client, HP t620 Flexible Thin Client, HP t620 Flexible ...