Introduction The error message “Printer not activated – Error Code 20” is displayed on the computer when printing. Before proceeding to the solution, please verify that the printer or all-in-one is working by printing a self-test page and also verify USB connectivity from the printer to th...
Control panel message/ Event code Description Recommended action 20.0000 Memory out in print The printer does not have sufficient RAM to process the print job. Turn the printer off, and on again, and then try printing the job again. If the problem persists, try using a different print dri...
惠普打印机通用报错代码(HP printer error code).doc,惠普打印机通用报错代码(HP printer error code) HP printer error code Publisher: admin release date: 2011-1-24. HP black and white laser printer common error code Launch time: 2010-7-27 -- -- -- -- -- -
black and white laser printer common error code 13.1 PAPER JAM or 13.2 PAPER JAM is a printing PAPER that is delayed or stopped at the feeding part. 1) determine that the carton is properly installed; 2) ensure that the paper portion is not blocked; 3) check if PS402 and PS403 are ...
惠普打印机通用报错代码HPprintererrorcode 系统标签: printererror打印机code惠普代码 惠普打印机通用报错代码(HPprintererrorcode)HPprintererrorcodePublisher:adminreleasedate:2011-1-24.HPblackandwhitelaserprintercommonerrorcodeLaunchtime:2010-7-27---7:blackandwhitelaserprintercommonerrorcode13.1PAPERJAMor13.2PAPER...
error - Decoding Fail POSITION:0X0(0) SYSTOM:COMMON/OS_HOOK LINE:732 VERSION:V11.88_220519 ERROR CODE:11-1114 打出以上提示后红色再发送任务给打印机,就只有感叹号在闪,用电脑打印也打不了了,只能重启,重启后用电脑打印没有问题,但是只要用手机打印就会出现上述错误。 期间更...
经典解决方案 : hp dj500提示:error code 11:11 创建您的HP账户可以在社区发帖交流进行个性化定制 您有了HP帐户还可以用到其他惠普支持网站及软件,访问惠普支持网站可以在一个页面管理您的所有设备,查看保修信息,售后案例状态等。 创建您的HP账户 了解更多 此...
hpofficejet200 error code -回复 错误代码通常用来标识设备出现的故障或问题。对于HP Officejet 200打印机而言,以下是一些常见的错误代码及其解决方法: 1. "0x..."或"C2P..."错误代码: 这些错误代码通常与打印机软件或驱动程序相关,可能是由于文件损坏或冲突引起的。解决方法如下: a.重新启动打印机和计算机,看...
The two updates were and and both had the following error code: 0X800f020b. I don't have a Canon printer and everytime I selected "Download and install" in Windows Update, I would get the same error code. I then looked for any Canon software...