开机后按F10进入BIOS,选择Diagnostics,运行Hard Drive Self Test检测硬盘(具体检测方法因机型不同而稍有差别)。检测过程中建议连接好外接电源,保持供电。a.如果硬盘检测通过(通常会提示good,pass或者succeed),建议您更换win7或者vista系统安装光盘,重新安装系统;b.如果硬盘检测失败(通常会提示fail或...
I cannot get into Windows. Error Code 0xc0000225 need recovery tool Start a conversation Are you having HotKey issues? Click here for tips and tricks. Create an account on the HP Community to personalize your profile and ask a question Your account also...
I cannot get into Windows. Error Code 0xc0000225 need recovery tool Start a conversation Are you having HotKey issues? Click here for tips and tricks. Create an account on the HP Community to personalize your profile and ask a question Your account also allows yo...
如果屏幕报错,例ERROR或FAIL等,说明硬盘有问题,请您联系当地惠普金牌服务中心进行检测和处理。您可以通过以下网址查询距离最近的惠普金牌服务中心:http://stg.www8.hp.com/cn/zh/support-drivers/esupport/ascpps.html 2、如果检测过程没有报错,结果全部为passed,那么您的硬盘应该没有问题,通常是系...
Fixed issue where system would fail to boot due to Windows 7 OS boot loader failure (error code 0xc0000225) HP Z1 G2 Series Workstations BIOS v01.14 has the following enhancements added: Fixed issue where system would fail to boot due to Windows 7 OS boot loader failure (error code...
使用其它纯净的系统光盘来重装系统试试。(2)如果屏幕报错,例ERROR或FAIL等,说明硬盘或内存有问题,或者您无法进入BIOS,请您将笔记本送到就近的惠普金牌服务中心进行处理。您可以通过以下网址查询距离最近的惠普金牌服务中心:http://stg.www8.hp.com/cn/zh/support-drivers/esupport/ascpps.html ...
Fixed issue where system would fail to boot due to Windows 7 OS boot loader failure (error code 0xc0000225) 组件版本 There are several components. See components affected section below. 支持URL http://www.hp.com/go/bizsupport 变更原因 To update HP Z Series Workstation models with...
注意:暂时将UAC等级设置为最低。安装完成后记得将它修改回来。 1. 右键开始菜单,选择命令提示符(管理员)。 2. 按住Shift键,同时右键该程序。 3. 在出现的右键菜单里,选择“复制为路径”。 4. 粘贴在命令提示符里。按Enter键运行。(如下图) Please remember tomark the replies as answersif they help. ...
[2023] Wie behebt man den Fehlercode 0xc0000225 in Windows 11/10? fehler 0x80070570 HP ist eine der renommiertesten Computermarken der Welt, und Millionen verlassen sich bei verschiedenen Aufgaben auf ihre Laptops. Das Auftreten eines frustrierenden Problems mit einem schwarzen Bildschirm währ...