HP DL380z Gen9 ワークステーション ユーザー ガイド © Copyright 2014 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. 本書の内容は,将来予告なしに変更される ことがあります.HP 製品およびサービスに 対する保証は,当該製品およびサービスに 付属の限定的保証規定に明示的に記載され ている...
HPProliantDL388 Gen9 服务器因电源断电发生故障 服务器的启动界面一直是上图的模样,不断在重启中。。。 排查后,发现win2008r2系统引导丢失、HP服务器BIOS设置丢失系统引导用老毛桃的PE进行了修复 BIOS的设置参考知乎上的文章: HpDL380GEN9 UEFI模式安装 win2008r2文章链接https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p ...
有关额外的系统软件和固件更新,请访问 HP 网站 (http://www.hp.com/support/DL380zGen9/download). 除非任何所安装的软件或组件需要较旧版本,否则首次使用服务器前必须更新软件和固件. 通电并在 UEFI 引导模式下选择引导选项 在 UEFI 引导模式下运行的服务器上,将自动设置引导控制器和引导顺序. 1. 按开机/...
we have some DL380 Gen9 with the network card mentioned above. The servers are configured via profile in OneView and loaded with firmware. Now we have found that the network card always keeps the old firmware. After some time of troubleshooting, I checked the SPP and found th...
I echo all the sentiments here - the SPP (or PSP, whatever the hell it's called) is a nightmare to use. I mean, it's awful. I'm trying to put it on a DL380 Gen9 with Win 2008 R2 (fully updated. So, to start with it just plain does...
DL380p Gen8 w/ TPD builds 82.30 and 2013.09.08 above System ROM for DL380 Gen9v1 2016.09.13 (MISC ISO Errata Item) System ROM for BL460c Gen8 w/ TPD builds 82.29 and lower 2013.09.08 System ROM for BL460c Gen8 w/ TPD builds 82.30 and 2013.09.08 above System ROM for BL460c Gen9v...
HPE Smart Update Manager (SUM) version 8.5.7 (or earlier) from a Windows client used to perform an online deployment of various HPE SPP Firmware and Driver Smart Components packages added to the SPP baseline for HPE ProLiant Gen9/Gen10 servers running VMware ESXi Hypervisor Host OS. ...