HP PROLIANT DL388 GEN10(故障3019)SPP损坏 1、开机硬件自检,提示错误ERROR 3019; 2、根据服务器版本GEN10下载最新固件SPP,可找服务商或者HP售后获取最新固件SPP; 本人的服务器故障发生在2020.12.29日,服务商提供的固件版本是P35935_001_spp-2020.09.0-SPP2020090.2020_0901.114.iso 链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s...
Re: Does not boot the system on the HP DL360 Gen 10 server To boot, you need a bootable device If your RAID has been destroyed, the system on it doesn't exist anymore so you need to install it back again.Download the installation ISO of the OS you want to install...
Release Notes for Gen10/ Gen10 Plus SPP 2025.01.00.00 目录 Release Notes Release Notes for Gen10/ Gen10 Plus SPP 2025.01.00.00 AbstractThis Release Notes gives an overview of the key features, enhancements, fixes of this SPP release version....
一些 cookies 是网站运行所必需的,而其他非必要的 cookies 可用于个性化和增强您的用户体验。要了解更多信息,请访问我们的 HPE 隐私声明。同意选择性的 Cookies,以及 HPE 处理我的个人信息并根据 HPE 隐私声明将其传输到海外 是 否 在管理 Cookies 的过程中,HPE 可能会根据 HPE隐私声明和个人信息跨境传输同意函 ...
I echo all the sentiments here - the SPP (or PSP, whatever the hell it's called) is a nightmare to use. I mean, it's awful. I'm trying to put it on a DL380 Gen9 with Win 2008 R2 (fully updated. So, to start with it just plain does...
Download the SPP Gen8.1 ISO <-- this is important, later versions do not include a CLI shell. Burn the ISO to a 32GB or SMALLER usb drive using the HPE USB Boot Utility. Rufus doesn't work when you try to boot the utility, and the application doesn't support > 32GB USB drives....
HP-ProLiant-DL360-Gen9-服务器用户指.pdf,HP ProLiant DL360 Gen9 服务器用户指 南 摘要 本文适合那些安装、管理服务器和存储系统以及对 其进行故障排除的人员使用。 HP 假定您有资格维 修计算机设备、并经过培训能够识别高压带电危险 产品。 © Copyright 2014, 2015 He
6. The iLO4 of all Gen8 and Gen9 servers. See iLO NAND Fix Procedures in section 6. 7. BL460 and BL620 blade servers. 8. P2000 and MSA2012fc external storage controllers. 9. D2700 enclosure cascaded from a P2000. 10. DL380 and DL360 rack mount servers. Note: It is recommended ...
We have a ProLiant DL360 Gen9 with a Smart Array P440ar Controller containing 4 x 600GB 12G SAS 15K drives configured in to 1 logical drive using RAID 5. I have added a 5th drive of identical type the the first 4 and wish to use it to expand the size of the current RAID ...
One of two ProLiant DL 360 Gen9 (exactly same HW setup) servers is spaming event log with error 129, 153 and 5008. Main problem is, that VMs are freezing on this node from cluster and it is not possible to work with them. Source of MPIO is MSA 2040. NOD...