打印机正常运行,但是打印输出缺少黑色或彩色墨水,或者打印的页面为空白或者颜色浅。本出版物适用于 HP DeskJet 2510、2511、2512、2514、HP DeskJet Ink Advantage 2515、2516、2520hc 多功能一体打印机和 HP DeskJet Ultra Ink Advantage 2529 打印机。
Check the ink levels and replace any low or empty cartridges. Note: The printer features a 'backup mode' that enables printing with one cartridge. Remove the low or empty cartridge to continue printing if a replacement is not available. Depending on the cartridge removed, blacks will not be ...
I understand your HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 3525 e-All-in-One Printer is printing blank pages after installing a new black cartridge (HP 685), follow these troubleshooting steps: 1. Verify Cartridge Installation Make sure the black ink cartridge is correctly installed....
The procedure of this document should help with faded or blurry printouts, color, and black ink is not printing, documents with blurry or fuzzy text, ink streaks or smears, and other print quality problems. Let us discuss resolving the HP Deskjet 2130 not printing issue. Step-1: Reinstall t...
I tried doing test but it did not work. Tags: HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 1115 macOS 10.12 Sierra not printing unable to print View All (4) I have the same question 1 REPLY Kumar0307 27,469 2,688 1,940 HP Support Agent 05-26-2019 11:03 AM @MarkGyro Welcome to ...
产品名称: HP Deskjet ink advantage 4615一体机 操作系统: Microsoft Windows 10 (64-bit) HP Deskjet 4610 series纸张尺寸不匹配打印机传感器检则到的纸张尺寸与在软件中选择的纸张尺寸不匹配。 前几天正常打印都没问题,突然就出现这个问题了,用的一直是A4纸,设置里面默认的也是主纸盒A4纸...
如果打印时有问题,可以下载 HP 打印诊断实用程序,该工具可自动为您解决此问题。 要获得此实用程序,请单击相应的链接: 转到HP 打印诊断实用程序下载页面(32 位 Windows)。 转到HP 打印诊断实用程序下载页面(64 位 Windows)。 注意: HP 打印诊断实用程序可能没有某些语言的版本。
Shop HP.com India for Deskjet 2332 Colour All in One Printer, Scanner and Copier .Compatible cartridges are NA: HP 67 Black Original Ink Cartridge (~120 pages yield) 3YM56AN and more.