What’s in the box: Calculator; Hard Cover; Quick Start Guide; USB cable HP Prime Exam Mode To install exam mode and other programs on your HP Prime, you need the HP Connectivity Kit. Download the latest versionhere (choose from 32-bit or 64-bit). After the software opens, an update...
We are offering complex product portfolio with technical support to wholesalers, retailers, and schools. Our visitors can find complete specifications of our portfolio, extensive range of educational resources and materials & support and troubleshooting forums. ...
Experience handheld calculating in the age of touch with the HP Prime Graphing Calculator, a sleek full-color, multi-touch calculator that delivers touch screen or keypad interaction.HP Prime Wireless Kit HP Prime G2HP Calculator Division MORAVIA Consulting, spol. s r.o. Olomoucká 83 CZ – ...
Graphing Calculators Program and visualize solutions to complex numerical and algebraic problems. Scientific Calculators
Australia distributorCalcsPlus Pty.Ltd.Unit 414, 91 Murphy Street, Richmond VictoriaVictoria31210061 3 7064 1212 Austria resellerKieninger & Lagler GmbHBartensteingasse 8Wien1010004314089077512 China distributorHong Kong Luen Shun Logistics Transportation LimitedUnit 702 7/f Tung Hip Comm Bldg, 244 Des Vo...
HP Prime 图形计算器中文说明书.pdf,HP Prime 绘图计算器 本文档中包含的信息如有更改,恕不另 行通知。HP 产品和服务附带的明示保 修声明中阐明了此类产品和服务的全部 保修服务。本文档中的任何内容均不构 成任何额外保证。HP 对本文档中出现 的技术错误、编辑错误或遗漏
HP Prime 图形计算器英文说明书.pdf,HP Prime Graphing Calculator © 2015, 2016 HP Development Company, L.P. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. The only warranties for HP products and services are set forth in the expres
A year ago, I finally added an example of the very first handheld scientific calculator – the HP 35 – to my collection. If you don’t insist on a pristine
Hardware emulating the Classic HP41C Calculator Build a fun, educational easy to build calculator. You can find a lot of information on the original HP41C atHP Museum. NEW, now with aluminum covers! Checkout this video:Youtube Features: ...