I have a hp elitebook 2560p notebook that i set the bios password myself, but somehow i cant remember. the harddrive got damaged and i just replaced it.I have tried every solution i saw online to reset the password, even the Massif solution comes ack with the X89 error code.I found...
can you please send mesmc.binto be able to reset my BIOS password? Thank you Best Regards Peter 1 REPLY Paul_Tikkanen 172,49742,43227,754 Level 22 11-09-202301:44 PM Hi, Peter: Unfortunately, HP ended the service of providing the SMC.bin file to clear BIOS passwords in 2019 citin...
注3:HP早期版本的UEFI BIOS中可能会没有“Reset BIOS security to factory default”项目,替代方法如下: 在Security中点击“User Management”,将除了“BIOS Administrator”帐户之外的其它帐户都删除,返还上一级菜单,再点击“Change Password”,将“BIOS Administrator”密码设为空。再点键盘“F10”,点“YES”。之后...
可以,BIOS管理员的security设置页面下面有reset security to factory default的选项。或者点change power-on password, 输入密码,在改输新密码的时候留空确认应该也是消除密码的。 欢迎来到社区,我是一名志愿者,私人信息不会被回复。如果我的回复对您有帮助, 请点击按钮。如果我的回复帮助您...
可以,BIOS管理员的security设置页面下面有reset security to factory default的选项。或者点change power-on password, 输入密码,在改输新密码的时候留空确认应该也是消除密码的。 欢迎来到社区,我是一名志愿者,私人信息不会被回复。如果我的回复对您有帮助, 请点击按钮。如果我的回复帮助您解...
ACPI S3 Hard Disk Reset(ACPI S3 硬盘重置),启用此选项使 BIOS 能够确保硬盘在从 S3 恢复之后,将控制返还给操作系统之前可以接受命令。 ACPI S3 PS2 Mouse Wakeup(ACPI S3 PS2 鼠标唤醒),启用或禁用通过 PS2 鼠标活动从 S3 唤醒的功能。 USB Wake on Device Insertion Unique Sleep State Blink Rates (唯一...
i. ACPI S3 Hard Disk Reset(ACPI S3 硬盘重置),启用此选项使 BIOS 能够确保硬盘在从 S3 恢复之后,将控制返还给操作系统之前可以接受命令。 ii. Runtime Power Management— Enable/Disable(运行时电源管理 - 启用/禁用)。允许某些操作系统在当前软件负载不需要使用处理器的全部能力时降低处理器的电压和频率。
16)开机连续点击f10进入BIOS,会提示输入密码,选择BIOS-admin登陆,并输入密码 17)进入之后点击 Security --- Change Password 18)然后会要求你输入旧的密码,输入之后会要求你输入新密码2次,此时留空就可以了 19)接下来需要清除 Pro-Boot设置的BIOS用户的密码,重启之后连续点击f10进入BIOS.经过上面...
While BIOS issues are uncommon for most users, you may need to reset your BIOS settings to: Diagnose or address hardware issues Perform a BIOS password reset when having trouble booting up Revert your system after making other changes Resetting your BIOS is a simple but powerful fix for CMOS ...