HP Presence 24 All-in-One Touchscreen with Zoom Rooms, 23.8", touch screen, Windows 11 Pro (Windows 11 Enterprise or Windows 10 Enterprise available with a Volume Licensing Agreement), Intel® Core™ i5, 16GB RAM, 256GB SSD, FHD ...
Recent All-in-One Touch Screen Computer | HP® Store Reviews HP OmniStudio X All-in-One Desktop AI 32-c0000t PC 31.5 Intel 5/5 So glad I ordered the OmniStudio X All-in-One Desktop from HP! The screen is big at 32" and also very bright!! So much so that I had to turn do...
Find the perfect HP all-in-one PC for your needs. Shop HP Essentials 27"" AIO desktops with powerful performance and sleek designs. Discover the latest models at HP® Store Singapore.
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We love All-In-One (AIO) desktops as they look modern and offer a clutter-free work environment. To make these more affordable, many AIO desktops currently in the market lack touchscreen capability. However,HP Pavilion 21-h010is a AIO desktop that offers touchscreen capability without costing...
Touch Screen All-In-One suddenly has no touch input available? Start a conversation Are you having HotKey issues? Click here for tips and tricks. Create an account on the HP Community to personalize your profile and ask a question Your account also allo...
觸控操作已成科技產品的設計趨勢,HP延續先前All-in-One TouchSmart電腦的產品特色,全面升級原有的硬體與效能,推出HP TouchSmart310全新All-In-One觸控電腦,輕鬆運用指尖就能瀏覽、操作。搭載升級過後的TouchSmart 4.0軟體,能讓使用者輕鬆的擁有更流暢完美的觸控體驗。HP TouchSmart310建議售價36,900元。
本文可以帮助您查找和解决导致电脑停止响应、死机或锁定的故障。 准备工作 如果屏幕上显示错误消息,请按照错误消息显示的状态将其准确记下,并在互联网中搜索该错误消息中的文本来查找解决方案。 找到与您的电脑症状相一致的修复 从下表中选择一种描述情况与您遇到的错误情况最相符的症状。
HP Touch Smart All-in-One,螢幕內藏主機,一體成型的外觀,讓桌上型電腦不再隱身桌下,並省去雜亂外接線路,打造清爽視覺,同時支援多點觸控,能透過手指點觸操作。 HP TouchSmart 600是新世代家庭的娛樂中心,23吋大螢幕完搭配Intel CoreTM2 Duo Processor P7450雙核心處理器、4GB DDR2記憶體、1GB獨立顯示卡及支援多...