Watts (W)to horsepower,powerconversion calculator. Enter the power in watts and press theConvertbutton: Enter watts:W Result in mechanical horsepower:hp(I) Result in electrical horsepower:hp(E) Result in metric horsepower:hp(M) Horsepower to watts conversion ► ...
Convert watts to horsepower (W to hp) with the power conversion calculator, and learn the watt to horsepower formula.
A horsepower symbol is "hp". There are two kinds of standard horsepower imperial horsepower and metric horsepower. imperial horsepower is 745.7 watts, and metric horsepower is 735.5 watts. One 1 horsepower (metric) is equal to 0.73549875 kW.kw to hp metric conversion table 0.01 kw = ...
Accurately convert horsepower to watts (hp to w) with our online calculator. No more guesswork or math needed. Start calculating today!
Hp to kW Power converter is an hp calculator. It converts units from horsepower (hp) to kilowatt (kW) or vice versa with a metric conversion table.
KW to hp conversion ► Horsepower Horsepower (hp) is a unit of power. Power is the rate of energy usage per time unit. One imperial/mechanical horsepower (hp) is equal to 745.7 watts (W). One metric horsepower (hp) is equal to 735.5 watts (W). ...
Home Conversion Calculators Power Horsepower Horsepower Conversion CalculatorEnter a value in horsepower below to convert to another unit of power. Type: Convert To: Value: Results:Do you want to convert horsepower to watts or horsepower to kilowatts?
Pour les membres Xbox Live Gold et/ou Game Pass sur console/PC, les jours d’adhésion restants seront convertis vers Ultimate via un taux de conversion. Les futurs rachats de codes sont également soumis au ratio de conversion. Toutes les conversions vers Ultimate sont définitives. Détails...
Horsepower and kilowatt are two different units of measuring power. Watts is the SI unit of power. It is a well-defined and normally used unit. This is a simple tool to instantaneouslyconvert kilowatt into horsepower. HP to kW converter ...
[23] La capacité réelle en watts-heures (Wh) de la batterie variera selon la capacité de conception. La capacité de la batterie diminuera naturellement avec la durée de conservation, le temps, l’utilisation, l’environnement, la température, la configuration du système, les applications...