123.hp.com/djia5000 123.hp.com/envy5000 Step 1: Remove the printer from the box Remove the printer from the box and all tape, stickers, and packing materials from the printer. Remove the printer from the box. Remove all tape and packing materials from the outside of the printer, and...
I/O 配置 - 此部分提供 Jetdirect 卡配置的相关信息(仅 5000 系列打印机)。 如要打印 5500 系列的 I/O 配置页,请执行下列操作步骤: 在前面板中按 TOP 键。 使用箭头键突出显示 Printer setup menu(显示屏右上角的图标),然后按 Enter。 滚动找到 Utilities,然后按 Enter。 滚动找到 Test prints,然后按...
Product: HP ScanJet Enterprise Flow 5000 s5 hi, I just bought one of these to use with a USB wifi dongle and the android hp capture ap; can I use most USB wifi dongles or does it need to specifically be the hp one? and are there some setup inst...
Get started fast with simple setup that guides you through each step, using HP Smart app.[2] Designed to help keep you connected. Dual-band Wi-Fi® with self-reset enables better range and faster, more reliable connections.[1] Plus, you can easily connect through your USB port. ...
输入您的 HP 产品名称和型号,以获取适合您的 HP Smart 软件和驱动程序 下一步 产品名称在哪里? 我的设备未列出 将HP Smart 软件和驱动程序安装到要发起打印的每一台移动设备或计算机上。在新设备上添加打印机。 在设置方面还需要其他帮助吗?访问HP 支持 中国...
Install HP Smart on a mobile device for the fastest printer setup.Scan the QR code to get started. HP Smart is also available for Windows and macOS. Need additional help with set-up? VisitHP Support United Kingdom Select your location/language ...
从附件盒中取出附件,然后在盒内放入聚苯乙烯。 将两个盒子放在地上,然后倾斜打印机靠着这两个盒子。 注意: 为支撑打印机的重量,这些盒子内必须装入聚苯乙烯。 图片: 如下所示,放置两个盒子支撑打印机 小心提起打印机,将其抬至垂直位置。 警告: 打印机很重,可能至少需要两人才能将打印机抬至正确位置。 从装运...
HP DESIGNJET 5000PS PRINTER - POSTSCRIPT(R) DRIVER INSTALLATION FOR MAC 页码,1/2 HP DESIGNJET 5000PS 打印机 - 基于 MACINTOSH 的 POSTSCRIPT(R) 驱动程序安装 简介 本文针对使用随每台打印机供应的光盘为 HP Designjet 5000 PS 系列打印机安装基于 Macintosh 的 Adobe (R) PostScript (R) 驱动程序提供...
HP ENVY 5000 All-in-One series 1 2 3 HP Smart 123. *Z4A69-90011* *Z4A69-90011* Z4A69-90011 123. EN Setup is easy at 123. On your mobile device or computer enter 123. in a web browser or scan the QR code to: • Download and install the HP Smart app or printer ...
HP DeskJet Plus 4155 All-in-One Printer ENERGY STAR | Home GO TO NEWER MODELSHOP INK OR TONER DiscontinuedThis printer has been discontinued. Please shop for associated supplies. FunctionsPrint, copy, scan, wireless, send mobile fax Print, copy, scan, wireless, send mobile fax ...