打印机-惠普-HPDeskjet400Printer说明书 下载积分: 300 内容提示: DeskJet 400 Series PrinterUser’s GuideE N G L I S HUS English 400 manual 05.06.1997 04.44 pm Page a1 文档格式:PDF | 页数:24 | 浏览次数:65 | 上传日期:2020-03-31 19:12:06 | 文档星级: ...
To print on special paper, set the paper type in the printer driver. See the User Guide in the HP Help and Learn Center or on the CD. 设置完毕。如果在软件安装期间未注册产品,现在请访问 www.register.hp.com 进行注册。产品随附的 CD 或您计算机上的 HP Program 文件夹中均有“HP 帮助和学习...
2. 如果使用 HP 标准 TCP/IP 端口安装本产品,请选中以下复选框:Always print to this printer, even if its IP address changes(始终打印到此打印机,即使其 IP 地址已更改). 3. 如果使用 Microsoft 标准 TCP/IP 端口安装本产品,请使用主机名而不是 IP 地址. 4. 如果 IP 地址正确,请删除产品,然后重新...
LASERJET PRO 400 COLOR M451 printer series Produce professional-quality color documents with ease and fast speed.Seamlessly integrate into your office or wireless home network. HP features help you save paper and energy, and print from virtually anywhere with HP ePrint.3 Print Speed 1: Up to ...
(forexample,iftheSoftwareisaprinterdriver,firmware,oradd-on),theHPSoftwaremay onlybeusedwithsuchproduct(“HPProduct”).AdditionalrestrictionsonUsemayappear intheUserDocumentation.YoumaynotseparatecomponentpartsoftheHPSoftwarefor Use.YoudonothavetherighttodistributetheHPSoftware. b.Copying.Yourrighttocopymeans...
使用打印一切的打印机,无论工作、学习还是发挥创意,一切情况均可应对自如。 了解更多 高颜超薄 游刃有余 惠普战X Ultra Next Gen AI 高性能商务轻薄本,集最新AI本地算力与优雅高颜于一身,将AI自然融入工作节拍 高颜超薄 游刃有余 惠普战X Ultra Next Gen AI 高性能商务轻薄本,集最新AI本地算力与优雅...
HP LaserJet Pro400color MFP M475 Ideal for small to medium-size business work teams who need professional-quality colour for producing marketing materials in-house,networking,multifunction capability and mobile printing options.1Requires an Internet connection to the printer.Feature works with any ...
惠普HPLaserJetPro400打印机M401系列HPLaserJetPro400M401M401dne-安装指南用户手册产品说明书使用说明文档安装使用手册 LASERJET PRO 400 EN Installation Guide ZHCN 安装指南 ID Panduan Penginstalan JA 設置ガイド KO 설치 설명서 TH M401nw ZHTW 安裝指南 VI Hướng dẫn cài ...
LASERJET PRO 400 COLOR M451 printer series Produce professional-quality color documents with ease and fast speed.Seamlessly integrate into your office or wireless home network. HP features help you save paper and energy, and print from virtually anywhere with HP ePrint.3 Print Speed 1: Up to ...
Delete all print jobs from all computers connected to the printer. Resend the job. In rare cases, a specific IP address has been seen to cause the error; assign a different IP address to the printer. If the message persists, contact HP support. 79 Service error Turn off then on Descr...