The ink is supplied, but remains the property of HP and must be returned if you cancel the program in accordance with the terms of service. See sections 5.d and 9.c of the terms of service here. If you find these cartridges on eBay or other third party site they w...
ebay,亚马逊,wish,速卖通,独立站,LAZADA 主要销售地区 非洲,欧洲,南美,东南亚,北美,东北亚,中东 有可授权的自有品牌 是 是否跨境出口专供货源 是 产品类别 墨盒 款式 品质款 product 305XL 304XL 303 302 Remanufactured Ink Cartridges 产品型号 原装代号 灌...
中润跨境南美兼容惠普hp305 304 303 302 301 300XL打印耗材墨盒 INK-TANK品牌 深度验厂 ¥68.0月销70个 珠海中润靖杰打印科技有限公司5年 适用 惠普305墨盒 HP DeskJet 2710 2320 2720 2620 绽放品牌 7天包换 ¥60.0月销30个 上海又生打印机耗材有限公司22年 ...
304 28.4 875 Software Installation & Backup Tape Drives Model Des Series I/O density mode rate kB Capacity MB 9144A 16-track tape cart 300 & 800 HP-IB 10,000 bpi streaming 35 67 9145A 32-track tape cart 300 & 800 HP-IB 20,000 bpi ...
The only remaining problem now with the 5SI is finding replacemnt toner cartridges, since HP stopped making them - some of the other manufacturer cartridges are a bit variable in quality, many being remanufactured; but again, you can try eBay - which is also a bit hit and miss!...
septerra 1 0 0 304 New member 08-07-2019 03:37 AM Product: HP Photosmart 7510 Hi, I bought an Photosmart 7510 in ebay recently but without the set-up cartridges in it. It had not been used but since it had no set -up cartridges, obviously I can't...