La presse numérique HP Indigo 100K, la solution numérique professionnelle B2 la plus productive au monde, vous offre une qualité et des couleurs supérieures pour l'impression de brochures, cartes postales, livrets, bulletins d'information, etc.
The HP Indigo Digital Press are industrial digital photo presses with the most versatile narrow-web digital press solution for premium photo applications. Expand your photo offer with the widest range of photo applications enabled by productive, reliabl
HP Indigo 100K 数字印刷机是世界上生产效率最高的 B2 数字解决方案,也是一款通用的商业数字印刷机,可为您提供卓越的品质和色彩,适用于宣传册、明信片、小册子、新闻刊物等商业印刷。
HP Indigo 100K 數位印刷機 生產效率超高的 B2 數碼解決方案1,具備真正的數碼不間斷印刷功能,速度可達 6,000 頁/小時。 8 7 6 5 4 2 1 3 無中斷進紙 5 個輸入進紙裝置,可快速切換作業和紙張類型。 穩定且可預測的輸紙 高度可預測的膠印式紙張處理架構,推動實現出色運營。 預測性...
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Designed with Assistance from the Experts at HP!Part Number A-44213-A has now become two models: the PCL554 for narrow machines and the PCL654 for wider machines!This product was created specifically to clean parts from the HP Indigo Digital Press. The parts cleaner was designed with input ...
“HP Indigo 100K数字印刷机是一款非常高效的数字印刷解决方案。它的设计充分考虑到了用户的实际需求,与隽思集团的业务高度契合,支持更高效连续印刷作业,进一步提高了生产效率。我们十分看好HP Indigo在自动化和生产力方面的革新,也更期待在惠普数字印刷技术的加持下,助力隽思集团开启新征程,实现新增长” 陈宏道补充道。
ATB-TH40-100K/A1N4; FORCE:100KN(ASA-RT) Di-soric Industrie-electronic GmbH & Co. KG ORV 30 K 2000 P2K-TSSL 传感器 ATOSsolenoid valve DPHU-1711/1/30 Electric head 24v HaweDG35-2702 trippeindustrieelectronicgmbhTypTDU-S变压器变压器trippeindustrieelectronicgmbh Rexroth R900939112 4WRZE 16 ...
(Not Included) Operating Temperature: 0 - 50 ℃ Measurement Range: Comprehensive Capacitance, Resistance, and Inductance Testing Features: |True Metrix Meter Kit|Latency Value| **Advanced Measurement Capabilities** The HoldPeak HP-39L Digital LCR Meter is a versatile tool designed for electrical ...
编号18:惠普HP 54835A_45A_46A Service使用与维修手册.pdf,Service Guide Publication Number 54845-97008 February 2001 This manual applies directly to Infiniium oscilloscopes with serial number prefixes: • XX3625 through XX4106 and above for information a