You're movin' without movin' And when you move, I'm moved You are a call to motion There, all of you a verb in perfect view Like Jonah on the ocean When... Write your interpretation Notify me of new interps » Nobody has submitted an interpretation for this song yet.Be the firs...
Introducing “Every Day Is a Winding Road,” she said, “This song is 30 years old, and it’s strange how it just kind of rewrites its meaning all the time. Sometimes I do feel like a stranger in my own life, when I’ve got to...
When the meaning's gone there is clarity And the reason comes in the common tongue of your lovin' me And it's easy darlin' I need a remedy And the reason comes in the common tongue of your lovin' me What yields the need for those who lead us oh so morally Those that would...
There’s a clear message on the music video as well, it stands against the anti-LGBT policy in Russia. The music video is in support of the meaning conveyed by the lyrics of this song. So let’s try to break down this great music track and try to understand what Hozier was trying t...
We don't currently have the lyrics for To Someone From A Warm Climate (Uiscefhuaraithe),Care to share them? Write your interpretation Notify me of new interps » Nobody has submitted an interpretation for this song yet.Be the first!