Usefulness of a progressive lens for near vision in patients with low vision Purpose : Many middle-aged people need to use glasses for near vision. There are 3 types of lenses for near vision: monofocal, bifocal, and progressive. Ad... YONEZAWA,Michi,YANASHIMA,... - 日本眼科紀要 = Folia...
I'm so ADD!"; "This room makes me feel so claustrophobic."; "He must have some kind of weird social anxiety because he doesn't go to anything."; "she looks so anorexic in all these pictures."; "look how weird they look, like they're spastic"; "is he even paying attention or ...
Margaret:Yes. It’s hard to describe something like a hoya, and we’ll show the pictures with the transcript and also give the links to some of the places that do sell them. Because, as you just said, one of them you got 17 years ago as a leaf. I mean, speaking of using persona...
people with disabilities, self-advocates, d/Deaf and hard of hearing people, people with chronic illnesses, sick people, mad people, neurodivergent people, etc. -- and I am always responsive to suggestions from folks who are directly impacted. Also, people in community often disagree...