"It got so hot that county staff members were reading from BBS printouts at the podium during formal meetings," Hughes recalled when I interviewed him in 1988. "In the end," he added, "the commissioners knuckled under, went to bid, the whole inefficient and incestuous system was exposed, ...
Kenneth Stolzfus, sent at 11 pm on Thursday, February 10, informed Fox that, “We have received significant complaints from staff members and donors…People who have worked at and/or supported the university for a long time are considering withdrawing their support if we move forward with ...
the By-Laws and various interpretations and executive actions implementing the same. The Constitution and By-Laws have been developed at annual conventions, and the affairs of the Association are conducted between such conventions by an eighteen-member council, its executive committee, and a paid st...
By Corinne Dorsey, Staff Reporter On Sunday, March 1, Howard students began preparation for their 26th Annual Alternative Spring Break Trip. Alternative Spring Break is a program shaped around social justice work and service on a national and global scale throughout the week of spring break each...
I was in this prejudiced university [Northwestern, where she matriculated in 1929 and where, according to Jones, "she was allowed to study but not to live or use their facilities"], this terribly prejudiced place–I was looking in the basement of the Evanston Public Library where they had ...
When I was president of the American Association of University Professors from 2006-2012, I reversed an existing AAUP staff policy against collaborating with FIRE, and we worked closely together on several occasions. When my campus administration attempted to impose rules in violation of the First ...
Howard University senior Monique Williams wassurprised by the news. “That is terrible what Angola is doing,” shesaid. “There are different, more positive approaches to take onbehalf of needy, working people.” OCHA said it was planning a second mission tothe area, this one focusing on the...
I was managing the student cooperative housing at the University of Toronto. We housed many Hungarian refugees that summer. These days, 800 refugees, 200 of them children, are housed in student dorms. 368 refugee claimants were admitted into Toronto’s emergency shelters over the last two months...
It is a part of Mexico City on the southern slopes, leading now to the university (which back then was in central Mexico City). It was only a couple of weeks after our meeting that Howard introduced me to his wife, Dorothy, and their first-born child, Lisa. I learned that Howard ...
daniel howard professor But Howard continued to send her flirtatious text messages while the investigation was underway, Laura alleged. - Cornerstone University, D.Min. Contact. In the afternoon, he texted, inviting her to come back to his house for dinner that night, she said. Thinking they m...