Your nervous system is like the conductor of your body’s orchestra, controlling everything from your thoughts and emotions to your behaviors and bodily functions. When stress enters the scene, it’s your autonomic nervous system (ANS) that takes charge. The ANS has two main components: the s...
The nervous system is comprised of nerves and structures like the brain and spinal cord. The muscular system consists of the skeletal, smooth, and cardiac muscle found in the body. These two systems constantly coordinate to ensure health and facilitate movement....
How does the nervous system work with the digestive system? Describe the anatomical and functional structure of the peripheral nervous system (PNS). Define the terms somatic, autonomic, sympathetic, and parasympathetic and then explain how different parts of the PNS interact ...
The brain is the part of the central nervous system located within the cranium. It can be affected by stimulants, depressants, and hallucinogens. Stimulants are drugs that accelerate the activity of the central nervous system. Examples of stimulants include nicotine, cocaine, and amphetamines. Dep...
Motor skills are extremely important for a child’s physical development and practising yoga is a fantastic way to help develop the connection between the brain, nervous system and muscles. “Balancing poses on one foot, such as the tree, half moon or dancer pose, help enhance a child’s se...
Now we’d like to hear your takeaway from this infographic. Please let us know by leaving a comment below. If you found this helpful, here are a few more resources you might be interested in: What’s Happening in the Nervous System of Patients Who “Please and Appease” (or Fawn) in...
Gut bacteria also use them to signal the gut's nervous system and its direct link to the brain. The bacterial messages also can prompt responses from the body's immune system. Summed up: "Your gut, your brain and your immune system interact," Stevens said. "The triangulation of those thi...
How brain-like is the spinal cord? Interacting cell assemblies in the nervous system. In. Studies of brain function - Clinical Neurophysiologydoi:10.1016/0013-4694(89)90077-1Paolo M. RossiniElsevier Ireland Ltd.Electroencephalography & Clinical Neurophysiology...
The different systems of the body interact with and rely upon one another.(Image credit: colematt via Getty Images) Immune:Theimmune systemis the body's defense againstbacteria,virusesand other pathogens that may be harmful. Components of the system include thelymph nodes, which contain infection...
The brain and body connection are working in overdrive to process your thoughts and feelings. When there is a disconnection between them due to this stressful event, the brain is trying to come to a solution to why this event took place. ...