Reached for comment about the study, a Snapchat spokesperson said the platform “is designed to be used by young people ages 13+, which is why we prohibit the app being used by kids, do not market to that age group, and will not make a specific product for them.” We also reac...
B. By creating hashtags, sharing stories and mobilizing people. C. By only posting selfies. D. By ignoring social issues. 相关知识点: 试题来源: 解析 B。中文解析:文中提到年轻人利用社交媒体提高对各种社会问题的认识,他们创建话题标签、分享故事并动员人们采取行动。A 选项分享笑话和表情包与提高社会...
As a result, young people may learn ways to hide or intensify the behavior, putting them at greater risk. And while the majority of parents believe they know what their child is posting on social media, according to a Pew Research poll, a survey of teens found that 70 percent of them ...
Further, it results in more satisfied young adults. I recognise this will bea major shift for some teens-so if you choose to do this, start with a conversation aboutmaking a slow, steady change.The most important improvement I notice in students who limit their use of socialmedia is they ...
Many teenagers agree that social media helps them stay connected to their friends and make new friends from around the world.More and more teenagers are willing to share their life and thoughts online.Thanks to advances in technology,how teenagers make friends and communicate with ea...
How young is too young to get started with social media? Originally posted on theGenerationShiftBlog. 7 Leave a Reply logged in Log in to Reply Tina M Borger, CPPOMarch 13th, 2010 The apple does not always fall close to the tree…he may be like you and love being connected and engaged...
Young adultDiversitySocial mediaMarketingNetflixAs young adult literature continues to evolve with the demands and habits of a new generation, it is crucial to explore how and why the publishing industry has changed and will continue to change. This article identifies three central areas in popular...
Social networking sites can give teens and young adults a sense of belonging and acceptance because they allow them to access communities of people who share the same ideals or challenges. This is particularly true for people who feel isolated or marginalized, such as LGBTQ youth or teens with ...
The positive effects of social media on teenagers Despite popular controversy, a crucial part of teenagers’ psychological development is reliant on the ability to stay socially connected. Social media platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter often provide young people with a unique online ...
1.根据上文“When we come to the question ‘how much time do young people actually spend on media(传播媒介) daily?’, the answer is surprising.”可知此处与年轻人使用社交媒体的时间有关。故选C。 2.根据下文“Half of them thought using social media made no difference.”可知此处与学生认为使用...