i will punch you 这个在 意大利语 里怎么说? quedo atento/a de forma semi formal? En español se suele terminar un mensaje o mail con un "qued... それらの映画は海外と日本の共同制作のものですね。 这个在 意大利语 里怎么说? あなたは、彼が疲れていることを知っているでしょう? 这个...
Why is it important to know how to say hello in Italian?The greeting is the first word or phrase we use when we meet someone. One smile and a kind word go a long way, even in Italy. Imagine you are going to a restaurant in Naples, the home of pizza, to try a traditional slice ...
Discover the enchanting world of Italian greetings. Learn how to say hello in different contexts with our helpful tutorial.
How to Say “Amazing” in Spanish There isn’t only one way to say “amazing” in Spanish – there are a few words that work. You could useincreíble(“incredible”),asombroso(“astounding”) ormaravilloso(“marvellous”). All of them have similar meanings. So if you want to tell your...
I'd like some Italian food.我想吃意大利菜。 Which restaurant do you recommend? 您推荐哪家饭馆? Is there a Mexican restaurant around here?这附近有墨西哥餐馆吗? Yes, there's one. 是的,有一家。 Where is the closes...
If you are unsure which of the greetings above to use, go withBuna ziuaorCiao(like in Italian, although the latter is used more often in some areas like the Western parts and rarely in other parts of the country). When leaving, you have a few options as well, but they are easier in...
How to answer COME STAI in Italian?Now you understand the question more deeply, what about the answer? Here are the 7 most common answers to come stai:1. The thoughtful:Bene… bene = well… wellSay this while staring absentmindedly into the distance… this has the added advantage of ...
An American sense of lobby would be “gruppi di interesse” (interest groups). In a more negative sense, “poteri forti” (“powerful forces”). In Italian “gay lobby” is far darker and sinister than it sounds like to Anglophone ears. ...
It’s also a pretty good song—there’s just something appealing in singing about goodbyes! Play Hasta mañana— See you tomorrow This is another informal phrase that literally means “until tomorrow.” It’s used to mean“see you tomorrow,”and is something you’d say to a coworker or...
Interpreter translates in-person conversations in real-time and can be used in a variety of situations for both business and personal purposes. Note: The bottom half of the screen will be relevant to you, and the top half of the screen will be relevant to the person you are ...