All of these expressions are really common, you know them, but just by choosing these greetings you're instantly sounding more polite and showing more respect and if you're meeting someone that you respect for the first time, you might also add: It's a pleasure to meet you. Good afternoo...
Manypeoplelikethecolourorangebecauseitisbright(14)___exciting.Someadvertiserswillnotuseorangeintheiradvertisementsbecausetheybelieveit(15)___ thattheproductsarecheapandperhapsnotofgoodquality.InBritainthemostpopularcolourisblue.WhatdoyouthinkisthemostpopularcolourinChina? (1) A.carrieson B.getson C.putson...
一、howdoyoulikethat 的中文音译 《howdoyoulikethat》直译过来是“你喜欢怎么样”,表示询问对方关于某一事物或某种方式是否满意、喜欢。为了更好地适应中文语境,我们可以将其音译为“你对此如何看待”或者“你觉得怎么样呢”。 二、对音乐的喜好 1. 歌词的魅力 对于很多人来说,歌词是音乐中最令人动容的部分。一...
2. What else would you like to know about your classmates? Ask them the following questions and make an introduction of your classmates. .· What is your favorite animal? · What is your favorite city in China? · What is your favorite color? · What is your favorite day of the week?
You may fin d that our home is different你们可能发现我们家和你们家from yours.不同。Woul d you like something to eat or你们想要一些吃的或喝的东西吗?drink?Woul d you like some more?你们想要更多吗?We try to keep our culture.我们尽量传承我们的文化。We don't fin d it strange.我们没有...
BLACKPINK in your area这句话是标志,但是却和这个曲子不和,感觉很突兀。副歌how you like that这句...
That would be too far!丹尼:当然不能。那太远了!Jenny: I like to take a train to other cities. I love詹妮:我喜欢坐火车去其他的城市。我喜欢坐riding the train. It's my favourite type of火车。它是我最喜欢的交通方式。你呢,transportation. What about you, Brian?布莱恩?。Brian: The train ...
Learning English is a journey of self-discovery and growth. To embark on this journey, one must first cultivate a passion for the language. Here are a few tips that can help you master English. Firstly, dedication and consistency are key. Regularly dedicating time to study, whether its throu...
And if you visited the steps for yourself, you'd know that there's a map left there that directs you to more Your Name locations all across Tokyo.如果你亲自去过这些台阶,你会发现这里有一张地图,指引着你去往东京更多《你的名字》中的地点。And just like that, countless anime expeditions or...
This can he very important to people in 2 that sell products all over the world. They puight choose a colour 3 they think it is exciting or attractive, but in another country the same rolour could be used to give a sad 4.Look at these examples:If you ask someone in Brituin 5 the...