根据上文“Write a topic sentence. The first sentence of your paragraph needs to be the topic sentence. A topic sentence is an introductory line that addresses what the main idea of the paragraph is going to be.(写一个主题句。段落的第一句话必须是主题句。主题句是一个引子,介绍段落的主旨是...
write as写为:指将某个词或短语以特定的形式书写或表达出来。 new paragraph另起一段 opening paragraph开始部分 read and write直读式记录 write down记下 write head记录头 write home about值得大书特书 write a letter写信 write in(向某一机构)写信,发信 write a play编剧 write off注销 write a report写...
How to write a paragraphPPT课件 Howtowriteaparagraph 论说文段落的构成 •主题句•推展句:主要推展句,次要推展句•结尾句example:Afterall,technologycanfail.Computersgo downandcomputerprogramscrash.Televisionsbreak,andtheelectricitycansuddenlygooff.Inthosesituations,who’sgoingtoteachme?IfIamatschool,and...
HowtoWriteaParagraph using Step Up to WritingHowtoWriteaParagraph usin1Whatdoallthecolorsforthe “StepUpToWriting”mean?Greenmeans“Go”andisusedwhenwritingtheTopicsentence.Yellowmeans“SlowDown”andisusedfortheReason,Detail,Factsentence.Redmeans“Stop”andisusedfortheExampleandExplainingsentenceswhich...
how to write a paragraph Howtowriteaparagraph?Contents Whatisaparagraph?Coherence 01 02 UnityandOutlining 03 04 KindsofLogicalOrder AnOverview 02 Aparagraphmaystandbyitself.Whatisa 01 Abasicunitoforganizationinwriting inwhichagroupofrelatedsentencesdevelopsonemain idea paragraph?03 Maybeapartofalongerpiece...
paragraphwriteexplainiwritinghsentencethelunch HowtoWritea Paragraph usingStepUptoWriting HowtoWriteaParagraph usin 1 . Whatdoallthecolorsforthe “StepUpToWriting”mean? • Greenmeans“Go”andisusedwhenwritingthe Topicsentence. • Yellowmeans“SlowDown”andisusedforthe Reason,Detail,Factsentence. ...
Paragraph writing remains one of the most important parts of writing.The paragraph serves as a container for each of the ideas of an essay or other piece of writing. Paragraphs are versatile and can take many forms that strengthen your writing, provide v
Knowing how to write a paragraph (the right way) can be tricky. The same writing process that earns you an A+ on your midterm would be thrown in the trash or deleted by an editor. Why is that? Well, one reason is what constitutes a good paragraph differs from medium to medium. ...
howtowriteaparagraph概要1 How to write a paragraph? Contents Kinds of Logical Order An Overview What is a paragraph? Coherence It states the main idea of the paragraph. Every good paragraph has a topic sentence, which clearly states the topic and the controlling idea of the paragraph. They ...
•Redmeans“Stop”andisusedfortheExampleandExplainingsentenceswhichfollowtheReason,Detail,Factsentence.•TheFinalgreenmeans“Go”andisusedtowritetheconclusionsentencewhichjustrestatesthetopicinadifferentway.TheTopicSentence •Thetopicofaparagraphisstatedinonesentence.Thisis calledthetopicsentence.Itis green.My...