remindsyouof?Howwouldyoudefinefreedom? O) Everything can be defined with its opponent‚ therefore captivity comes to my mind when I think of freedom. Being behind walls is not the only thing that captivity reminds me of. Actually everything that limits us in our daily lives‚ everything ...
The only idea in my mind was this: if I were to get sleep, I would get happiness. Host: Thank you for your detailed account, A. Host: And, can you tell us how do you define happiness, B? B: Unfortunately, I’m suffering from insomnia now, so my definition of happiness is ...
IELTS WRITING 2 PRACTICE TEST 23: Discuss the reasons why people define happiness differently and how to obtain happiness?
How does Hannah Arendt define freedom? Hannah Arendt: Hannah Arendt was a German-Jewish political theorist and Holocaust survivor. Her workEichmann in Jerusalem: A Report on the Banality of Evilmade headlines in 1961. It challenged the assumption that evil is the outcome of some demonic willpower...
英语口试(题目是how do you define happiness)How to define happiness?Host: Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to our chat room. Today, our HOT ISSUE is about happiness. As everybody knows, people all over the world have been struck heavily by the global financial crisis since 2008 and a large ...
How would you define “enough”? Go to mainForumpage » AUTHOR:Jonathan Clementson 6/06/2021 Like this Forum post? Did you just log in? If you don't see the commenting form, please refresh the page. Subscribe Log in withD new follow-up commentsnew replies to my comments ...
i can tender you are i can think of younge i cant afford to go t i cant believe i volu i cant forgive myself i cant say no i cant believe im bro i cant believe what i i cant believe you we i cant deal its so un i cant define this ho i cant do nothing cos i cant do th...
In a literal sense, the question is asking how you would define such a goal. But in another sense, it’s asking why the goal is significant or important to you. It might be helpful to jot down some bullet points that you might want to build on in your response. You might end up ...
I prayed, Lord, how would You define faith?A story came to mind in which Jesus had told someone, “Not even in Israel have I found such great faith.” What was it that Jesus had called “great faith”?I quickly looked up the passage in Luke 7 about the centurion who was willing ...
How would you define your ideal customer or target market? What sort of work-life balance are you hoping to maintain? How would you handle setbacks or obstacles in your business journey? Take your time, jot down your thoughts, and remember, this is the first step on your exciting business...