Latex allergy continues to be an important medical problem. In this review we re-examine the definition of latex allergy, the offending allergens, the factors that enhance sensitization, the threshold levels that sensitize and elicit reactions in sensitized individuals, current diagnostic techniques, ...
A second dose may be needed if the allergic reaction lasts longer.If you have life-threatening allergies, you should wear a medical alert identification necklace or bracelet to alert first-responders to your severe allergy.Learn more: Where is the proper location to give an EpiPen injection? (...
” says Dr. Burns. “Memory foamandlatexhave been shown to distribute body weight more evenly compared to traditional innerspring mattresses. This even distribution helps maintain spinal alignment and minimizes pressure points, which are crucial factors preventing back pain.”...
If you're experiencing an itchy butt, the first thing to know is that it's most likely a symptom of another issue—not a disease or condition in itself. Since itching can lead to scratching, tiny cuts, pain, and swelling, it's important to know what's causing the itching to happen—...
LATEX GLOVE ALERT The tongues had gone through rigorous safety tests and a Comic Relief spokesman said they were unaware of the problem until it was raised by the Latex Allergy Support Group. Red noses warning Caroline Rawlinson, of the Latex Allergy Support Group, said: "The reaction is simil...
Signs of Adhesive or Latex Allergy If you feel like it's itchy, blistery, or burning under your bandage, you may have anallergyto the adhesive used in some bandages. For sensitive skin, try switching to sterile gauze and paper tape, or an adhesive-free dressing. ...
latex allergyanaphylactic shockpreventionSome patients and staff are more at risk to latex allergy than others.doi:10.1046/j.1365-2702.1999.00260.xREBECCA V. ST. L. BOWYERJohn Wiley & Sons, Ltd (10.1111)Journal of Clinical NursingBowyer RV: Latex allergy: how to identify it and the people ...
"Remember, I have a latex allergy and my allergist suggested that I look at the supplies on the unit", said Hillary during her interview for a full-time position on my obstetric (OB) unit.doi:10.1111/j.1552-6356.1998.tb01040.xKathy J. Jackson...
LATEXThe author discusses the issue of latex allergy in the field of dentistry. He described a clinical case involving a 48-year-old woman who complained of an uncomfortable maxillary denture and mandibular RPD. He revealed the prevalence of latex hypersensitivity in dentistry practice. The author ...
How serious is latex allergy?(CONSULTATIONS)Cohen, Philip R