How does adjuvant radiotherapy affect outcomes in women with stage I endometrial cancer?doi:10.1002/cca.1055Sera TortParaskevi VogiatziJohn Wiley & Sons, Ltd
The optimal treatment for high-grade glioma is maximal resection plus radiotherapy and chemotherapy [7]. Show abstract Glioblastoma multiforme influence on the elemental homeostasis of the distant organs: the results of inter-comparison study carried out with TXRF method 2024, Scientific Reports A ...
Information about the types of radiotherapy, surgical procedures, and the status of chemotherapy was later included in the program. One of the main targets of the SEER program is to record cancer incidences and mortality rates for the entire US population. To provide insight into the potential ...
Infertility can be the result of abdominal adhesion in those who have had a major abdominal operation, who suffer withendometriosis, or who are known to have had an abdominal or pelvic infection likePID, salpingitis, or peritonitis. The bands form by abdominal adhesions an affect the architectur...
ART (access to radiotherapy technologies) study I led for International Cancer Expert Corps (ICEC) on the state of radiation therapy in former Soviet Union countries. There, the legacy has always been cobalt. Only three of the 11 countries we studied have had the resources and knowledge to be...
Independent risk factors used in risk stratification of postoperative pancreatic fistula after pancreatoduodenectomy Endoscopic retrograde biliary drainage (ERBD); estimated pancreatic remnant volume (PRV); radiotherapy (RTx); drain fluid amylase (DFA); post operative day (POD); minimally invasive pancreat...
[52] and oropharyngeal cancer [53] using PET images as input. Despite the prediction being here the response to chemotherapy or radiotherapy, technically, the same approach can be used to train a system for surgical prediction by changing the training dataset to include surgical outcome information...
After six months of chemotherapy and one of radiotherapy, she says she "didn't feel herself" for almost two years after diagnosis. "Healing isn't just about the physical - it's the emotional, mental, spiritual - all those things are impacted when a person gets cancer," she s...
This may be due to different patient stages in the studies and different immune microenviron- ments after radiotherapy. Finally, a subset of patients suffer rapid tumor growth after ICIs, which is known as hyper-progressive disease (HPD). These HPD mutations have been found to be sig- nifi...
modalities for stage I/II nasal NK/T-cell lymphomas (Fig.2) [50]. No prospective randomized trials have been conducted to compare how these two modalities should be sequenced or combined. Hence, centres often adopt protocols according to their expertise or the availability of timely radiotherapy...