How will COVID-19 change the way we travel in the future? Airbnb, a US vacation rental(租借) company, did a survey on travel trends around the world. Here are some of its findings.Getting back to nature In China, 76 percent of those surveyed hope to travel to suburban(郊区的) areas...
“What will travel look like after the pandemic? In material ways it will probably change more than it did post-9/11.”–Sean Keener In this episode ofDeviate, Rolf and Sean talk about how fast the assumptions surrounding international travel have changed in recent weeks, and how that has ...
We asked travel industry experts for their thoughts on what will restore confidence for people to begin traveling once the Covid-19 pandemic finally recedes. In the latest installment of our series "The Next Normal," we look at where and how we'll actually travel once we're willing to h...
What is the COVID-19 surcharge, and what does all of this mean for us in business in the near future? From my perspective, it is going to mean thattravel will end up costing the consumer and businesses more money. My rationale for this statement is simple: In all probability, there is...
China has recently approved more than 10 kinds of COVID-19 antigen self-test kits. The National Health Commission suggested that three groups of people should use them: 1. People who develop symptoms within five days. 2. People in quarantine, such as close contacts of COVID-19 patients, ...
How COVID-19 Changed Mobility: A Life-Oriented Approach to Travel Behavior Change in Flanders, Belgiumdoi:10.1007/978-3-030-94350-9_97This research regards the COVID-19 pandemic as a major life event with the ability to affect daily activity-travel behavior, and investigates if specific ...
How to adapt and travel in the post-pandemic world. Published on February 10, 2021 by Other Voices Traveling is going to change forever once this pandemic is over. Billions of people will never ever look at traveling the same again. Some of it will be negative. As more and more people ...
Table 1 shows that travel behavior changed during the COVID-19 pandemic took place in different regions all over the world. It shows the travel behavior affected by the COVID-19 pandemic was changing all over the world. This change lies not only in the travel mode choice, but also in ...
of travel bubbles and travel corridors. A number of our Pacific Neighbours are COVID-free and desperate to see tourism resume. Any travel bubbles will be implemented as bilateral agreements, probably based on a traffic light system: come from a green zone, travel to a green zone, and return...
An aviation expert weighs in on all the ways air travel has improved for the leisure traveler during the pandemic and why this is the best time to fly.