California. Climate change is making wildfires worse. The resulting unpredictable weather patterns have created shorter, wetter winters in California, producing a sudden, heavy growth of brushes, grasses and trees. After winter, the stated ongoing drought and record- high summer temperatures draw water...
Several extremely damaging wildfires exemplify the consequences of heightened wildfire risk in Colorado. Here, we illustrate how wildfires affect Colorado communities through the lens of the 2002 Missionary Ridge fire, near Durango, CO. An extremely flammable forest Hot and dry conditions caused fuel mo...
At least 55 people have died in the wildfires that have ravaged Hawaii and around 1,000 are still missing. The historic town of Lahaina was almost completely destroyed by fire. Dr. Eric Kennedy, associate professor of disaster and emergency management at
The reality of climate change and living in the West is that fires are going to keep happening. The big question going forward, says the Xerces Society’s Black, is, “How do we have diverse landscapes that both provide for biodiversity and minimize potential ...
As climate change makes wildfires more frequent, scientists are racing to understand how animals suffer.
Fire strongly affects animals’ behavior, population dynamics, and environmental surroundings, which in turn are likely to affect their immune systems and exposure to pathogens. However, little work has yet been conducted on the effects of wildfires on w
Wildfires have become increasingly frequent due to climate change, with record occurrences in areas not historically prone to them. In California, wildfires and regional power shutoffs have cost billions and taken lives. ...
How does climate change affect wildfires? How are the greenhouse effect and global warming different? How does global climate change affect plants and animals? How has the climate changed since the last ice age? How does climate change affect globalization?
As wildfires have ripped through Los Angeles in recent weeks, thousands of people have been displaced and more than two dozen are reported dead. The consequences have been devastating, and research suggests that the dangers will continue for weeks to come. In particular, a significant body of re...
How did the Chicago fire affect architecture? How did fire help protect Homo erectus from wild animals? How has global climate change affected the circumpolar peoples? How do mission trips affect Indigenous peoples? How did where the Pawnee tribe live affect them?