The suffragettes fought for womens rights. The IriS h question Created the greatest difficulties and IreIand WaS On the brink Of CiVil War. The CaPitaIiSt WorId began to enter the new age Of impeHaliSm. The rivairy among the Old and young CaPitaliSt PoWerS became acute. The two blocks Of...
What I'd been feeling in those meetings was actually about control. I had moved my life from Brooklyn in New York to Bonn in Germany with the extremely reluctant support of my wife. My children were now in a school wh...
They worked 14 hours a day andwere __40__ for dropping matcheson the floor. Many of the girls were __41__ becausethey worked with dangerous chemicals, Emmeline supported the strike.Emmeline __42__ the Women ’s Social and Political Union,also called the Suffragettes, in 1903. The ...
the miners in the 1980’s and of course the suffragettes. It was here the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND) would assemble and where Rock Against Racism was launched. Anti-Fascist, pro-choice and Gender recognition rallies are now joined by UNESCO’s International Day for the Remembrance ...
I realized the things I could control were menial day-to-day things. Do I ride my bike to work? and Where do I have lunch?, whereas the things that were going to determine whether we were going to be successful were issues like, Will Russia wreck the negotiations? Will China take ...
It's best to avoid writing things like, "Document A says X, and Document B says Y, and Document C says Z." Instead, you might write something like, "The anonymous author of Document C expresses his support and admiration for the suffragettes but also expresses fear that giving women the...
I realized the things I could control were menial day-to-day things. "Do I ride my bike to work?" and "Where do I have lunch?", whereas the things that were going to determine whether we were going to be successful were issues like, "Will Russia wreck the negotiations?" "Will ...
the three Irish Governor Generals of Monck, Lisgar, and Dufferin, the inventor Tom Ahearn who brought electricity to Ottawa, JR Booth the great lumber baron, three of the Famous Five woman suffragettes, and even Canada’s greatest soldier Arthur Currie were either born in Ireland or had Irish...
Votes for women were not won easily: militant women called Suffragettes fought a long campaign of harassment to get it. One notable incident was the death of Emily Davison, who stepped in front of a horse belonging to King George V at the Epsom Derby in 1913. The horse also died, of co...
Staying at home is also a choice. And thanks to feminism or suffragettes – now you are allowed to have your own bank account (as opposed to your husband having to sign checks for you), you can participate in sports in high school as a girl thanks to title IX, and you can accept pa...