A water pump moves a certain number of water molecules and applies a certain amount of pressure to them. In the same way, the magnet in a generator pushes a certain number of electrons along and applies a certain amount of "pressure" to the electrons. In an electrical circuit, the number...
The fuel is partially burned in a pre-chamber to produce high pressure, hot gases that drive the turbo-pumps (fuel pumps). The fuel is then fully burned in the main combustion chamber and the exhaust gases (water vapor) leave the nozzle at approximately 6,000 mph (10,000 km/h). Each...
allowing them to create a partial vacuum in the suction line. Atmospheric pressure pushes liquid up the suction line to the pump. Once initially primed, the pump will continue to operate without the need to reprime.Easy
Each of SpaceShipOne's many windows are special double-paned glass, and each pane alone can withstand the pressure and force of flight. This doubling up ensures that if either window were to crack, the passengers would still be safe. The air inside the cockpit is made breathable by a three...
The hot water recirculation pump works by: Increase water pressure at the water heater. This propels the water to your faucet or shower much quicker. Returns the unused hot water in the pipe back to the water heater or boiler. Empties the water pipes so the next time you’ll need hot ...
This is one of the oldest designs for fuel cells; this type was the first the United States space program used to produce electricity and drinkable water on-board rockets and shuttles. NASA favored this method because the alkaline cell has high efficiency and a low operating temperature. However...
Water block/pump combination unit that sits directly on your CPU The radiator that dissipates heat through metal fins Pre-filled tubing that circulates the cooling liquid Supporting components include: Mounting hardware specific to your CPU socket Thermal paste for proper heat transfer Cooling fans th...
One section of the pump generates the maximum gpm flow rate at a lower pressure. It is used, for example, to draw the piston back out of a log after the log has been split. Drawing the piston back into the cylinder takes very little force and you want it to happen quickly, so you...
In a simple liquid-cooled system PC, a tube connects the pump to the inlet of a water block. Separate tubes run from the water block's outlet to the radiator and the radiator to the reservoir, which often sits in one of the computer's CD-ROM bays. The final tube connects the reservo...
How Things Work: The Power of Pressure by Andrew Dunn. Thomson Learning, 1993. A slightly dated but still very relevant children's book that connects the basic science of fluids and water pressure to such everyday machines as hovercraft, vacuum cleaners, jackhammers, car brakes, and elevators...