How Water Connects Our WorldsMarianne E. Meyer
Chemical irritants: Nerve cells in the airways sense the presence of unwanted substances in the airways such as pollen, dust, noxious fumes, water, or cigarette smoke. These cells then signal the respiratory centers to contract the respiratory muscles, causing you to sneeze or cough. Coughing an...
This work tests a text classification machine learning model as a tool to assess student systems thinking capabilities using two questions anchored by the Food-Energy-Water (FEW) Nexus phenomena by answering two questions (1) Can machine learning models be used to identify instructor-determined ...
Big thanks to the people at the Raeford Parachute Center in Raeford, NC, for all of their help in creating this article (and for making my tandem jump so much fun!). Parachute Deployment Sequence Here's what happens when a parachute deploys normally: The skydiver uses the pilot chute ...
Breathing into a paper bag, quickly downing a glass of cold water and being startled also work for the same reason. No one is exactly sure why, but mental distraction often stops hiccups. To try it out, simply have someone put you on the spot and demand to see a hiccup. If these ...
This work tests a text classification machine learning model as a tool to assess student systems thinking capabilities using two questions anchored by the Food-Energy-Water (FEW) Nexus phenomena by answering two questions (1) Can machine learning models be used to identify instructor-determined ...
Access to food and water —once considered common goods and a basic human right —are increasingly treated as commodities, like precious metals or lumber. Instead of being necessities for life that are available to all, they are being kept from people wh
into English, the caption reads, "My people, I feel very happy about this that just happened. Thank you from the bottom of my heart to all of you for being part of this dream…Arriba México, Arriba Sonora y Arriba la H." SheilaE. Finally Won 40 Years After Her Best New Artist ...
Water insecurity is a touchstone for 2018. Our planet isn't running out of water, but various kinds of mismanagement have led to local water crises across the planet, directly threatening millions of people.
If an elderly person is a little forgetful, the smart home could perform tasks such as shutting off the water before a tub overflow or turning off the oven if the cook had wandered away. Smart homes look great on paper, but are they for everyone? On the next page, we'll look at ...