If you want to download YouTube videos, the only way to do so responsibly is by paying the $11.99 forYouTube Premium. If you violate the YouTube ToS, the company may terminate your account, as noted here: "YouTube will terminate a user's access to the Service if, under appropriate ci...
Whoever thought of it, the initial concept wasn’t exactly what you’d expect. YouTube’s original goal, its founders have said, was to build a video version of HOTorNOT.com — you know, the site where you look at a bunch of uggos and rate just how repulsive they actually are. Sur...
YouTube was designed to be streamed, but that doesn’t mean you can only watch videos there when you have an internet connection. Downloading YouTube videos is perfect for those times you don’t have service, or when you want to archive your favorite videos on your phone (it's not unco...
Get started by:Creating a website →|Getting a domain → 500 hours of videoare uploaded every single minute on YouTube. While that may seem like a tough channel to break into, YouTube is still an invaluable way many businesses grow their brand exposure. And withYouTube Shorts, a new mic...
You've thought about making a YouTube channel before, and now suddenly you have the time to do it, too. All you need is the equipment — and since you're an Apple user, you've already got it.
Is it worth it to start a YouTube channel? Starting a YouTube channel can be a rewarding experience, but whether or not it is worth it largely depends on your goals and expectations. Here are some factors to consider: Passion.If you are passionate about a particular topic or niche, start...
Basically, you can get started for $1.99 per month. → Click Here to Claim This Exclusive Bluehost Offer ← Simply visit theBluehost websiteand click on the ‘Get Started Now’ button. On the next screen, you’ll be asked to choose a plan. ...
Everything to know about YouTube Live. Learn how to live stream on YouTube with instructions, tips and insights on features and ways to promote your live stream.
After you are clear on your niche, audience, and goals, it is time to come up with content ideas. One of the hard parts of being consistent with YouTube is coming up with new content ideas.We have combined some resources for you to get started:...
For centuries, people have wanted to be rich and famous. And it used to be that this was difficult to pull off: the cost of publishing, producing music, or becoming a politician were prohibitive for most. However, the Internet Age has reduced costs considerably. There are more ways than ...