How was your day at work today? I hope it went well.¿Cómo te fue hoy en el trabajo? Espero que bien. c. ¿Qué tal tu día? (colloquial) (informal) (singular) How was your day at school today?¿Qué tal tu día en la escuela hoy? d. ¿Cómo estuvo su día? (formal...
So, uh,how was yourdinner with Larry the other night? Así que, ¿cómo estuvo tucena con Larry la otra noche? Sohow was yourfirst weekend with the boys? ¿Qué tal elprimer fin de semana con los chicos? Other than that, Mrs. Lincoln,how was yourday?
How do you say goodnight in Danish? How do you say hi in Spanish? How do you say okay in Spanish? How to say how is your day going in Spanish How to say how was your day in Spanish How do you say dear in Spanish? How do you say goodbye in Spanish?
There are multiple phrases in Spanish that can be translated as ''anytime.'' We can use some of them with the literal meaning of ''at any moment'' or ''whenever,'' and others as an informal reply to ''thanks.'' Answer and Explanation: ...
How do you say 'enjoy your holiday' in Spanish? Spanish Vocabulary: There are several holidays throughout the year, for example: 'Navidad' (Christmas), 'Nochevieja' (New Year's Eve), 'A ño nuevo' (New Year's Day), 'vacaciones de verano' (summer holidays), and 'Halloween' (Hallow...
The most common way to say hello in Spanish is hola. It's very similar to how we would use "hello" in English; it's appropriate for both formal and informal conversations and can be used at anytime of day or night. If you're greeting someone in the morning, ...
How to say “goodbye” at nighttime in Spanish We often say our goodbyes at the end of the day. So, we’re adding some nighttime options below. ¡Buenas noches! This is just the classic “Good night!” that can work in both formal and informal contexts. ...
You can ask “How was your day” with the phrase 今日はどうでしたか (kyou wa dou deshita ka). One thing to note, though, is that it’s not common to ask お元気ですか like it is in English. Japanese people use this phrase only when it’s been a while since they’ve seen the...
Goodbye: Goodbye / Bye (informal) Please: Please Thank you: Thank you / thanks (informal) Greetings in ASL Sign Language Greeting (Hello): With a flat hand, move your hand away from your forehead in a small arc Goodbye: With a flat hand, wave your hand side to side Please: With a ...
We hope to have given you plenty of options when it comes to saying “thank you” in Spanish. We’ve certainly tried! We have covered phrases to use in every context, as well as how to say “you’re welcome” and some extra vocabulary. Which is your favorite way to say “thank you...