World War II was a major international conflict that lasted from 1939 until 1945. The main advesaries were Nazi Germany, the Empire of Japan, and fascist Italy. These powers were defeated by the Allies. Answer and Explanation: Become a member to unlock this answer!Create your acco...
Arthur Porter was in a federally recognized National Guard unit Robert Pratt and Wilfred Ratliff were drafted William Petruzzi was a commissioned officer. (We also knew that from him being listed as a 2 Lt. But if his rank hadn’t been listed, we would have discovered he was a commissioned...
If you’re looking to play the base game, our advice is to get the newest edition possible. It may be tempting to pick up a dusty copy second-hand for a steal of a price, but Trivial Pursuit is not a game that ages gracefully. What was considered fairly common knowledge in the 1980...
I was wondering if I could rattle anyone’s brain to make this work. I.E. I have 1 excel document with 52 tabs. Each tab is a work week starting from January so WW1 is all the hours FOR sed jobs I did for that week. “joes house 2 hours ; mikes house 3 hours”… WW2, ...
The bolshevik revolution didn’t just happen after WW1 Lennin, Trotsky, etc lead to assualt for about 20 years prior to the installation of communism in Russia. It was founded by Karl Marx(Jewish), financed by Jacob Schiff(Jewish) and promoted by Jewish intellectuals in Europe in academia ...
And BTW, though always an independent who does not favor or vote either ”party” and wish they would go away sooner rather than later,,, IMHO, Carter was NOT really any kind of ”politician” as per LBJ et alia of that time,,, and paid...
Every bear market from the Vietnam War onwards was over inside two years – except the 30-month implosion of the Dotcom bubble. The WW2 bear markets and the 1929 crash lingered around three years, but they are easily outdone in the annals of misery by WW1’s ghastly nine-year slump. ...
Please realize the market determines the 10-year bond yield and a committee of seven governors determines the Fed Funds Rate. They don't move at exactly the same time or in the same magnitude. Just look at the Fed Funds Rate from 2004-2007. The move up was huge, yet the 10-year yiel...
Why is Germany still so strong after WW1 and WW2? Why German Autobahns Have No Speed Limits Why is German industry so powerful? Why do Germans hate Jews so much Why was Germany so strong in WWII? Why do German presidents rarely show up?
By The Way, the Jew Rooseveldt hímself started WW2. He was behínd Pearl Harbor, he was behind a US boat attack near England, and he promised Churchill — yet another Jew — that the USA will help Britain when war starts, before the war! Also Churchill spoke with Stalin about the exte...