A Current Affair -itsacurrentaffair.com For stores with a vintage vibe, A Current Affair shows three times a year in Los Angeles and twice a year in New York City to bring together the very best vintage fashion and accessories. From vintage denim to all things that sparkle, vintage stores...
Allowing myself to get talked into a variable annuity when I was a chief resident. Bought it at roughly market peak; it sank with the market in 2001-2002. Paid lots of charges and surrender charges when I got rid of it three years later to buy my first house, and due to the natur...
His wife was in the shadows when he smiled, somewhere in the corner of the room, fussing about feeding the cats and what colour should they paint the outside room. When she emerged into the conversation, with her bottomless sighs and sharp tongue, his joy refused to be quelled. As if ...