How was the Spanish Empire created?How did the Spanish Empire end?:The decline of the Spanish Empire began in the 17th century, though the empire did not officially end until 1975. In the 17th century, Spain was suffering from an economic downturn. The expenses of maintaining a global ...
How was the Hittite Empire created?Hittite Empire:One of the major powers of the Bronze Age, the Hittites inhabited what is today Turkey about 3500 years ago. They built a huge empire, one of the largest of the ancient world, and clashed with neighbors like the Assyrians and Egyptians....
How the Deesis Mosaic of Christ was Created Where is the Deesis Located? Above are two images. The top one shows a drawing of the South Gallery of Hagia Sophia from the 18th century with all of the ceiling mosaics (see all the cherubims!) intact. In the center of the vault is a ...
They may have been part of religious rituals, simple representations of life as the cave dwellers experienced it, or superstitious homages created in hopes of a successful hunt. One thing is clear: The main subject on the minds of the cave dwellers was the animal life around them. The ...
Take the Byzantine Empire itself. At its zenith in the sixth century, the Byzantines controlled the entire Eastern Mediterranean, as well as parts of Italy and Tunisia. Its core, however, was Anatolia and the Aegean, with the great city of Constantinople straddling the B...
Upon studying the bible from cover to cover and realizing many things were askew, and a lot of what he believed his entire life was not in line with what his research found, he left Christianity and went in search of the truth. After many twist and turns, ups and downs and after loo...
If these are the ideas that come to mind, the focus is on how the world was made. The “how” is an important issue, but there’s more to consider. We should also pay attention to the fact that God created and why God created. What is the purpose of creation, and what is our...
The descent into the Under World has been so feared and avoided because it is a perilous journey. There is a reason why Christianity referred to this place as “hell.” Within our Under Worlds lie our repressed thoughts, feelings, desires, traumas, and denied gifts.Often when we descend, ...
met him and said, “You’re the stone upon which I will build my church.” After Constantine legalized Christianity in A.D. 313 with the Edict of Milan, he quickly began building that church. For Constantine, Jesus would have been as old as George Washington is in relative hi...
and gold-hoarding that prevailed in the mid-18th century; today, he's often called "the father of modern economics." In a world gone global, imagine how much slower life would be had free, open trade not been encouraged and ifhoardingofhard assets(mercantilism) was the norm: Economic life...