in American history. California has spent years preparing for"The Big One"-the inevitable earthquake that will undoubtedly unleash all kinds of havoc along the famous San Andreas fault (断层).But what if the fault that runs along the Pacific Northwest delivers a gigantic carthquake of its own?
所属专辑:地球起源(How the Earth Was Made) 喜欢下载分享 声音简介 《地球起源》地球起源(HOW THE EARTH WAS MADE)系列将带我们环游地球,向我们揭示地球形成的地质过程。这一系列每集并不连续,每集选取一个独立的地点,向我们讲述这一地方现在的形貌是如何在经历了千万年的地质变化后形成的——是板块碰撞、火山...
How was the Alpine Fault formed?Alpine Fault:The Alpine Fault is a transform fault running across New Zealand's South Island. It marks the boundary of the Pacific and Indo-Australian Plates, which have been converging and subducting at the Alpine Fault for millions of years....
Cascadia is what's known as a "megathrust" fault. Megathrusts are created in earthquake zones-land plate boundaries where two plates converge. In the areas where one plate is beneath another, stress builds up over time. During a megathrust event, all of that stress releases and some of the...
Beginning about 17 million years ago, the mountain range that fed the ancient northeast river system was destroyed by faulting, as the Basin and Range was created southwest of Grand Canyon. This is when the San Andreas Fault became active and it helped to rip apart the region that once held...
California earthquakes result when the movement of these two masses suddenly lurches (倾斜) forward. The New Madrid fault on the other hand is a vertical fault; a some point possibly hundreds of millions of years ago rock was pushed up toward the surface probably by volcanoes under the ...
We have been attempting to improve estimates of long-term earthquake recurrence probabilities along the San Andreas Fault by means of synthetic seismicity calculations. The calculations are based on the concept of fault segmentation and incorporate the physics of static dislocation theory. Forecasts ...
Faults occur when the surface of the Earth is subjected to immense pressures. These pressures cause a fracture in the crust, creating a weak point where rocks can move during an earthquake. One of the best-known faults is the San Andreas fault....
8 earthquake on the southern San Andreas Fault, large enough to potentially damage tall buildings. =>南圣安地列斯断层发生8级地震,大到足以破坏高层建筑。 Fire will be very significant. => 火将是非常重要的。 The definitive scientific report presented to politicians was codenamed ShakeOut. ...
The New Madrid fault, on the other hand, is a vertical fault; at some points, possibly hundreds of millions of years ago, rock was pushed up toward the surface, probably by volcanoes under the surface. Suddenly, the volcanoes cooled and the rock collapsed, leaving huge cracks. Even now, ...