In this archipelago of over 7,000 islands, bamboo boats can take you almost anywhere — a neon-streaked city, an underwater shipwreck or a forest village where fireflies twinkle with the stars
Time continued to march on. At the end of the 4th century AD, the Roman Empire fell, and Anglo-Saxon tribes began their conquest of Britain and Wales. One way they made a mark on the world was by renaming the days of the week yet again, after—guess who?—their gods. Sunday, dies...
In 1937 under President Franklin D Roosevelt, October 12 was dubbed “Columbus Day,” a federal holiday to commemorate the Italian explorer Christopher Columbus. It was not long before stories of the Italian explorer and his brave journey to the New World were being taught in every school and ...
When I broke the five loaves among the five thousand, how many baskets full of broken pieces did you take up?" They told him, "Twelve."Webster's Bible TranslationWhen I divided the five loaves among five thousand, how many baskets full of fragments took ye up? They say to him, Twelve...
In 1872, the U.S. government signed the Yellowstone National Park Act into law and created what the National Park Service (NPS) refers to as "the world's first true national park." Today, there are thousands of national parks throughout the world, and four of them — Rocky Mountain, Me...
The Remainder Divided…2there were still seven tribes of Israel who had not yet received their inheritance. 3So Joshua said to the Israelites, “How long will you put off entering and possessing the land that the LORD, the God of your fathers, has given you? 4Appoint three men from each...
If you’d like to engage with local hill tribes, one of the highlights of my Laos trip was visiting theNong Khiaw Morning Market. It is located on the main road that runs through Nong Khiaw, not far from the bus station. Here you can find delicious food as well as some very interes...
in cases such as Cain & Abel, Ishmael & Isaac, Esau & Jacob, Leah & Rachel, Joseph & his Brothers and so on and so on. But one of the main divisions and enmities shown in the Scriptures is of the Division of the 12 Tribes into two parts –The House of Judah & The House of ...
defineswho we would like to beand how we wish to be seen by the world.The word “persona” is derived from a Latin word that literally means “mask,” however in this instance, the word can be applied metaphorically, representing all of the different social masks that we wear among diffe...
Both the DNC and RNC included what’s known as a “land acknowledgment” that recognized the stewardship of the land by indigenous peoples and tribes. At the Democratic convention in Chicago, the acknowledgment was delivered by Zach Pahmahmie and Lorrie Melchior, who are both part of the triba...