it was generally felt that mountains were something spiritual – either serving as the home of the Gods, a result of their activity, or a place to get closer to
Pink—which may go back over a billion years—was once the color of fierce ancient hunters, powerful French women, and yes, boys.
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unless that King could be a better man than he was. So Grimbeard created an Impossible Task. He scattered ten of the King’s Things to all the four corners of the distant earth.
Amelia created this 35 page book and presented it as a travel guide filled with information about where she visited including galleries, museums, wetlands, historical buildings and more. The title page was her creation too. Photos by Amelia, Ma & Pa were mostly placed by her. She also wrote...
Amelia created this 35 page book and presented it as a travel guide filled with information about where she visited including galleries, museums, wetlands, historical buildings and more. The title page was her creation too. Photos by Amelia, Ma & Pa were mostly placed by her. She also wrote...
Just 50 years ago, no one knew why the Earth has mountains. Now we do. This is the story of how we figured it out - and how we keep learning.
After the DMZ, we thought it would be fitting to eat budae-jigae, a military personnel dish created after the armistice which ended the Korean War and continues to be a popular dish among Koreans. Budae-jigae – Military Stew The last day of Mom’s final weekend was spent visiting Seo...
I, however, noticed none of it. I was transfixed in the moment, my eyes closed, all thoughts vacant as the steady tapping of a needle broke the skin on my back. Behind me Ajarn Rung, a master tattoo artist donning the traditional orange robes of a monk, etched the mixed Sanskrit, Kh...
God created the individual, both male and female and put them in an earthly paradise, the Garden of Eden. He gave them one rule only. Each person was responsible to God to obey that rule, to direct and control, to govern according to that one rule. The only government was self-governme...