It can only confirm the narrative of the Palestinians, that Israel was founded on the basis of ethnic cleansing. Would it have been supportive of the Zionist narrative these documents would have long been published. Thank you, Haaretz, for your honesty...
We are going say that there was a very antagonistic debate about colonialism in all its forms, because the idea of Sir John Kotelawala was that Communism was colonialism in another form. This was rejected by Zhou Enlai, and also by the other people. No, you cannot say that communism is ...
A former assistant pastry chef told Kessler that Hillary Clinton did not approve of maintenance work being done in the White House while they were present. An agent assigned to protect her said that when she was in front of the press she "turns it on", and when the lights are off and ...
"How far is it to the next village" the American asks a man sitting by the side of the road. In some countries, because the man realizes that the traveler is tired and eager to get to his destination (目的地), he will politely say "Just down the road." H
just like modern workers will often run up a tab to be settled at payday. Well, the payday in antiquity was harvest time. And at harvest time, all of the debts that had been run up in the year, including there were debts to priests for performing marriage ceremonies or burials, would ...
In the late 1980s, Al Qaeda, the Islamic extremist group founded by Osama bin Laden, learned to exploit the Internet's global reach, launching online chat rooms and blogs and uploading videos to promote hatred of the United States and Israel [source: Moss]. And increasingly, hate-meisters ...
Plus he was also interested in drug business and everything that brings money without working. 18 bullets were found In his body He will be buried in Israel… I will translate some of the comments of Russians about him and the Russian/fake Jew/Kazarik/Turk mafia. It seems that more ...
cities and the wars in Ukraine and Israel. “This is a magnificent country and it’s so sad to see where it’s gone,” he said Tuesday night. “We’re going to straighten it out.” Biden: A post-pandemic chance at traditional campaigning Biden’s campaign has hired le...
The Phoenicians founded Carthage in what is modern-day Tunisia. According to legend, it was founded by Queen Dido. It lasted from 575 BC until 146 BC. Its end came about by a major loss to Rome. So, the Carthaginian Empire lasted for roughly 425 years. 6. Numidia (Algeria/Tunisia) Num...
Last year’s EMAs ceremony was planned for Paris, but wascancelled amid security concerns“given the volatility of world events” following the outbreak of the Israel-Hamas war. The European awards are separate to the MTV Video Music Awards (VMAs), which take place in the U...